Instruction for new users uploading FGT documents


Instruction for remote uploading of documents to the common FGT Drupal place to complement missing features of fgt-hn


First time setup

  1. You need to login to drupal as you. The password is different than your regular RCF password. If you do not remember Drupal password select 'forgot password' and new one will be sent to you by e-mail
  2. got to the mother-web page:
    you can also navigate: SubSystems --> Detctor Upgrades --> FGT --> FGT-HN Upload
  3. Got to the bottom and select 'Add child page'
  4. Set the following fields:
    * Title: yourName-FGT-HN-Uploads (edit it)
    * Parent: ------FGT-HN-Upload contributions (selectable from menu)
    * STAR: --FGT (selectable)
    * Body: Your Name : list of attachements sent to FGT-HN (edit it, just 1 line)
    Upload a test jpg file using menu at the very bottom of the page. To attache new file, first 'Choose File', next 'Attach'
  5. Finally at the very bottom 'Submit' the whole page to Drupal.
  6. go to the 'mother-page' and you should see:
    * in the upper part your JPG
    * in the lower part (below bold text) your sub-page among other people who already joined, alphabetical order.
    If you can't see your contribution at this point contact me (Jan). Do not try it over - it will add mess to Drupal. If you add more than one page only the first one will be considered


Uploading subsequent documents

  1. Login to drupal and go to your sub-page with this test JPEG
  2. Click Edit
  3. scroll down to upload section and add as many documents as needed, one by one
  4. you may change the name of uploaded file - just edit it
  5. Click 'Submit'
  6. go to the 'mother-page' and you should see your new documents listed in chronological order.
  7. Now you can sent an e-mail to FGT-HN referring your new uploaded documents as:
    .... new docs are uploaded to: 
    under myName, files xxx-yyy-jpg and zzz-uuu-mmm.pdf

Report to me if there are any problems,