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1 // class StFcsPi0FinderForEcal
2 // author Xilin Liang
3 //
4 //
6 #ifndef STAR_StFcsPi0FinderForEcal_HH
7 #define STAR_StFcsPi0FinderForEcal_HH
9 #include "StEnumerations.h"
10 #include "StMaker.h"
11 #include "TCanvas.h"
12 #include "stdio.h"
13 //#include "TFile.h"
14 //#include "TH2F.h"
15 #include "StFcsDbMaker/StFcsDb.h"
17 class TH1F;
18 class TH2F;
19 //class TApplication;
20 //class StFcsPi0FinderForEcal;
21 class StFcsDbMaker;
22 class StFcsCollection;
23 class StFcsDb;
26  public:
27  StFcsPi0FinderForEcal(const Char_t* name = "FcsPi0F");
29  Int_t Init();
30  Int_t Make();
31  Int_t Finish();
32  void st(Int_t run2) { filename = Form("StFcsPi0invariantmass%i.root", run2); };
34  private:
35  StFcsDb* mFcsDb = 0;
36  //StFcsDbMaker* mFcsDbMaker=0;
37  StFcsCollection* mFcsColl = 0;
38  TH1F* h1_num_entries = 0; //h1_num_entries:# of entries
39  TH1F* h1_inv_mass_cluster = 0; //h1_inv_mass_cluster:invariant mass
40  TH1F* h1_Zgg_cluster = 0; //h1_Zgg:Zgg
41  TH1F* h1_opening_angle_cluster = 0; //h1_opening_angle:opening angle
42  TH1F* h1_each_cluster_energy = 0; //h1_each_cluster_energy:each cluster energy(no cut)
43  TH1F* h1_two_cluster_energy_nocut = 0; //h1_two_cluster_energy_nocut:2 cluster energy(no cut)
44  TH1F* h1_two_cluster_energy_allcut = 0; //h1_two_cluster_energy_allcut:2 cluster energy(all cut)
45  TH1F* h1_dgg_cluster = 0; //h1_dgg_cluster:2 dgg(all cut) distance bewteen two clusters at the det.
46  TH1F* h1_Zgg_nocut_cluster = 0; //h1_Zgg_nocut_cluster:Zgg without cut
47  TH1I* h1_nCluster = 0; //h1_nCluster: number of clusters
48  TH1F* h1_inv_mass_cluster_nocut = 0; //h1_inv_mass_cluster:invariant mass no cut
49  TH1I* h1_nclu_good = 0; //h1_nclu_good: number of good clusters
50  TH1I* h1_clu_nTowers = 0; //h1_clu_nTowers: number of towers in cluster
52  TH1F* h1_inv_mass_point = 0; //h1_inv_mass_point:invariant mass
53  TH1F* h1_Zgg_point = 0; //h1_Zgg:Zgg
54  TH1F* h1_opening_angle_point = 0; //h1_opening_angle:opening angle
55  TH1F* h1_each_point_energy = 0; //h1_each_point_energy:each point energy(no cut)
56  TH1F* h1_two_point_energy_nocut = 0; //h1_two_point_energy_nocut:2 point energy(no cut)
57  TH1F* h1_two_point_energy_allcut = 0; //h1_two_point_energy_allcut:2 point energy(all cut)
58  TH1F* h1_dgg_point = 0; //h1_dgg_point:2 dgg(all cut) distance bewteen two points at the det.
59  TH1F* h1_Zgg_nocut_point = 0; //h1_Zgg_nocut_point:Zgg without cut:
60  TH1F* h1list_mass_by_Ntower[748]; //h1list_mass_by_Ntower: invariant mass sorted by highest energy tower[64]
61  TH1F* h1list_mass_by_Stower[748]; //h1list_mass_by_Stower: invariant mass sorted by highest energy tower[64]
62  TH1F* h1list_NEtower[748]; //h1list_NEtower: energy spectrum for north Ecal tower (no cut)
63  TH1F* h1list_SEtower[748]; //h1list_SEtower: energy spectrum for south Ecal tower (no cut)
64  TH1F* h1_EcalMult_E1 = 0; //h1_EcalMult_E1: Ecal Milt (E>1)
65  TH1I* h1_nPoint = 0; //h1_nPoint: number of point
66  TH1I* h1_npoi_good = 0; //h1_npoi_good: number of good points
67  TH1F* h1_inv_mass_point_nocut = 0; //h1_inv_mass_point:invariant mass no cut
69  TH2F* h2_EcalMult_vs_TofMult = 0; //h2_EcalMult_vs_TofMult
70  TH2F* h2_cluster_position = 0; //h2_cluster_position
71  TH2F* h2_cluster_position_cut = 0; //h2_cluster_position_cut
72  TH2F* h2_point_position = 0; //h2_point_position
73  TH2F* h2_cluster_invmass_vs_dgg = 0; //h2_cluster_invmass_vs_dgg
74  TH2F* h2_cluster_invmass_vs_Zgg = 0; //h2_cluster_invmass_vs_Zgg
75  TH2F* h2_cluster_dgg_vs_E1pE2 = 0; //h2_cluster_dgg_vs_E1+E2
76  TH2F* h2_point_invmass_vs_dgg = 0; //h2_cluster_invmass_vs_dgg
77  TH2F* h2_point_invmass_vs_Zgg = 0; //h2_cluster_invmass_vs_Zgg
78  TH2F* h2_point_dgg_vs_E1pE2 = 0; //h2_cluster_dgg_vs_E1+E2
80  int mDebug = 0;
81  int mFilter = 0;
82  int mNEvents = -1;
83  int mNAccepted = 0;
84  int mMaxEvents = 10000;
85  int bins = 150;
86  string filename;
87  float m_low = 0;
88  float m_up = 0.4;
89  float E_up = 10;
90  float E_low = 8;
91  float E_min = 1;
93 #ifndef SKIPDefImp
94  ClassDef(StFcsPi0FinderForEcal, 0)
95 #endif
96 };
98 #endif