StRoot  1
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1 #include "StDijetFilter.h"
2 #include "StarGenerator/EVENT/StarGenParticle.h"
3 #include <string>
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <fstream>
6 #include <cmath>
7 #include <vector>
8 #include <algorithm>
10 using namespace std;
11 //_______________________________________________________________
13 {
15  mRBTOW = 225.405;
16  mRcone = 0.7;
17  mSeed = 0.5;
18  mAssoc = 0.0;
19  mSplitfraction = 0.5;
20  mAddmidpoints = true;
21  mStablemidpoints = true;
22  mSplitmerge = true;
23  nEvents = new int;
24  (*nEvents) = 0;
26  mParticleEtaRange = 3.5;
27  mJetEtaHigh = 1.3;
28  mJetEtaLow = -1.3;
29  mPtLow = 7.0;
30  mPtHigh = 10.0;
31  mDPhi = 2.0;
32  mMinJetPt = 4.0;
33  mDEta = mJetEtaHigh - mJetEtaLow;
35  mRecohadron = 1.1;
36  mRecolepton = 1.5;
38  mVertex[0] = 0.;
39  mVertex[1] = 0.;
40  mVertex[2] = 0.;
42  readConfig();
44 }
45 //_______________________________________________________________
47 {
48  delete nEvents;
49 }
50 //_______________________________________________________________
52 {
53  //if(mEvent->GetNumberOfParticles <= 0) {return kError;}
54  if(int(mEvent->GetNumberOfParticles()) <= 0)return -1;
56  vector<JetFourVec*> finalparticles;
57  vector<JetFourVec*> seeds;
58  double v[3];
60  //apply cuts on particles
61  //get seeds
62  TIter Iterator = mEvent->IterAll();
63  StarGenParticle *p = 0;
65  while( ( p = (StarGenParticle*)Iterator.Next() ) ){
66  if(p->GetStatus() != 1)continue;
67  if(fabs(atan(p->GetPz()/sqrt((p->GetPx()*p->GetPx())+(p->GetPy()*p->GetPy())))) > mParticleEtaRange)continue;
68  JetFourVec* vec = new JetFourVec((StarGenParticle*)p);
69  finalparticles.push_back(vec);
70  v[0] = (double)p->GetVx();
71  v[1] = (double)p->GetVy();
72  v[2] = (double)p->GetVz();
74  if(vec->Pt() < mSeed)continue;
75  seeds.push_back(vec);
76  }
79  if(mAddmidpoints){
80  seeds = addMidPoints(seeds);
81  }
83  int nJets = 0;
84  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > jetFour;
85  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > recoJetFour;
86  jetFour.clear();
87  recoJetFour.clear();
88  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < seeds.size(); k++){
89  JetFourVec* j = new JetFourVec(seeds[k]);
90  vector<JetFourVec*> jf;
91  int nChange = 1;
92  int nIter = 0;
93  while(nChange != 0 && nIter < 10){
94  nChange = 0;
95  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator jfiter;
96  for(unsigned int l = 0; l < finalparticles.size(); l++){
97  if(finalparticles[l]->getEn()*sin(finalparticles[l]->Theta()) < mAssoc)continue;
100  jfiter = find(jf.begin(),jf.end(),finalparticles[l]);
101  if(dR(finalparticles[l],j) > mRcone && jfiter == jf.end())continue;
102  if(dR(finalparticles[l],j) > mRcone && jfiter != jf.end()){
103  jf.erase(jfiter);
104  nChange++;
105  continue;
106  }
107  if(jfiter != jf.end())continue;
108  jf.push_back(finalparticles[l]);
109  nChange++;
110  }
111  if (j) delete j; // prevent resource leak when combineTracks overwrites
112  j = combineTracks(jf);
113  nIter++;
114  }
115  if(jf.size() == 0)continue;
116  jetFour.push_back(jf);
117  // j goes out of scope here, so time to clean up
118  if (j) delete j;
119  }
121  jetFour = EtOrderedList(jetFour);
122  jetFour = RemoveDuplicates(jetFour);
124  if(mSplitmerge){
125  jetFour = doSplitMerge(jetFour);
126  jetFour = RemoveDuplicates(jetFour);
127  }
130  nJets = 0;
131  JetFourVec* j = 0;
132  vector<JetFourVec*> dijetFour;
133  vector<JetFourVec*> dijetFourReco;
134  JetFourVec* dj = 0;
135  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < jetFour.size(); k++){
136  if(j)delete j;
137  j = combineTracks(jetFour[k]);
138  //cout<<"jet "<<k<<" "<<j->Pt()<<" "<<j->Eta()<<" "<<j->Phi()<<endl;
139  if(j->Pt() < mMinJetPt)continue;
140  if(fabs(j->Eta()) > mJetEtaHigh)continue;
141  nJets++;
142  if(j->Eta() < mJetEtaLow)continue;
143  dj = combineTracks(jetFour[k]);
144  dijetFour.push_back(dj);
145  }
146  if(j)delete j;
147  int nTrJets = 0;
148  dj = 0;
149  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < jetFour.size(); k++){
150  JetFourVec* j = recoJet(jetFour[k],v);
151  if(j->getEn()*sin(j->Theta()) > 4 && fabs(j->Eta()) < 2.5) nTrJets++;
152  if(j->Eta() < mJetEtaHigh && j->Eta() > mJetEtaLow){
153  dj = new JetFourVec(j);
154  dijetFourReco.push_back(dj);
155  }
156  delete j;
157  }
159  dijetFourReco = EtOrderedList(dijetFourReco);
160  int yesdijet = 0;
161  if(dijetFour.size() > 1){
162  dj = new JetFourVec;
163  (*dj) = *(dijetFour[0]) + *(dijetFour[1]);
164  float dphi = fabs(dijetFour[0]->Phi() - dijetFour[1]->Phi());
165  float deta = fabs(dijetFour[0]->Eta() - dijetFour[1]->Eta());
166  if(dphi > acos(-1))dphi = fabs(2*acos(-1) - dphi);
167  if(dphi > mDPhi && deta < mDEta && dj->M() > 10. && dijetFour[0]->Pt() > mPtHigh && dijetFour[1]->Pt() > mPtLow)yesdijet += 1;
168  delete dj;
169  dj = 0;
170  }
172  if(dijetFourReco.size() > 1){
173  dj = new JetFourVec;
174  (*dj) = *(dijetFourReco[0]) + *(dijetFourReco[1]);
175  float dphi = fabs(dijetFourReco[0]->Phi() - dijetFourReco[1]->Phi());
176  float deta = fabs(dijetFourReco[0]->Eta() - dijetFourReco[1]->Eta());
177  if(dphi > acos(-1))dphi = fabs(2*acos(-1) - dphi);
178  if(dphi > mDPhi && deta < mDEta && dj->M() > 10. && dijetFourReco[0]->Pt() > mPtHigh && dijetFourReco[1]->Pt() > mPtLow)yesdijet += 2;
179  delete dj;
180  dj = 0;
181  }
182  cout << "\n" <<"agrdl: event "<<(*nEvents)<<" "<<nJets<<" "<<nTrJets<<" "<<yesdijet<<endl;
183  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < finalparticles.size(); k++)
184  delete finalparticles[k];
185  finalparticles.clear();
187  // No dijets found
188  if (yesdijet == 0) {
189  return StarGenEvent::kReject;
190  }
192  return StarGenEvent::kAccept;
193 }
194 //_______________________________________________________________
195 void StDijetFilter::readConfig()
196 {
197  ifstream cfile("dijet.cnf");
198  while(1){
199  string attr;
200  float val;
201  cfile >> attr >> val;
202  if(!cfile.good())break;
203  parseConfig(attr,val);
204  }
205 }
206 //_______________________________________________________________
207 void StDijetFilter::parseConfig(string attr, float val)
208 {
209  if(attr == "RBTOW"){
210  mRBTOW = val;
211  cout<<"RBTOW changed to "<<val<<endl;
212  return;
213  }
214  if(attr == "RCONE"){
215  mRcone = val;
216  cout<<"RCONE changed to "<<val<<endl;
217  return;
218  }
219  if(attr == "SEED"){
220  mSeed = val;
221  cout<<"SEED changed to "<<val<<endl;
222  return;
223  }
224  if(attr == "ASSOC"){
225  mAssoc = val;
226  cout<<"ASSOC changed to "<<val<<endl;
227  return;
228  }
229  if(attr == "SPLIT"){
230  mSplitfraction = val;
231  cout<<"SPLIT changed to "<<val<<endl;
232  return;
233  }
234  if(attr == "MIDPOINT"){
235  if(val == 1.0){
236  mAddmidpoints = true;
237  cout<<"MIDPOINT changed to TRUE"<<endl;
238  return;
239  }else if(val == 0.0){
240  mAddmidpoints = false;
241  cout<<"MIDPOINT changed to FALSE"<<endl;
242  return;
243  }else{
245  }
246  }
247  if(attr == "STABLEMIDPOINTS"){
248  if(val == 1.0){
249  mStablemidpoints = true;
250  cout<<"STABLEMIDPOINTS changed to TRUE"<<endl;
251  return;
252  }else if(val == 0.0){
253  mStablemidpoints = false;
254  cout<<"STABLEMIDPOINTS changed to FALSE"<<endl;
255  return;
256  }else{
258  }
259  }
260  if(attr == "SPLITMERGE"){
261  if(val == 1.0){
262  mSplitmerge = true;
263  cout<<"SPLITMERGE changed to TRUE"<<endl;
264  return;
265  }else if(val == 0.0){
266  mSplitmerge = false;
267  cout<<"SPLITMERGE changed to FALSE"<<endl;
268  return;
269  }else{
271  }
272  }
273  if(attr == "PARTICLEETA"){
274  mParticleEtaRange = val;
275  cout<<"PARTICLEETA changed to "<<val<<endl;
276  return;
277  }
278  if(attr == "JETETAHIGH"){
279  mJetEtaHigh = val;
280  cout<<"JETETAHIGH changed to "<<val<<endl;
281  return;
282  }
283  if(attr == "JETETALOW"){
284  mJetEtaLow = val;
285  cout<<"JETETALOW changed to "<<val<<endl;
286  return;
287  }
288  if(attr == "DIJETPTLOW"){
289  mPtLow = val;
290  cout<<"DIJETPTLOW changed to "<<val<<endl;
291  return;
292  }
293  if(attr == "DIJETPTHIGH"){
294  mPtHigh = val;
295  cout<<"DIJETPTHIGH changed to "<<val<<endl;
296  return;
297  }
298  if(attr == "DPHI"){
299  mDPhi = val;
300  cout<<"DPHI changed to "<<val<<endl;
301  return;
302  }
303  if(attr == "MINJETPT"){
304  mMinJetPt = val;
305  cout<<"MINJETPT changed to "<<val<<endl;
306  return;
307  }
308  if(attr == "DETA"){
309  mDEta = val;
310  cout<<"DETA changed to "<<val<<endl;
311  return;
312  }
313  if(attr == "RECOHADRON"){
314  mRecohadron = val;
315  cout<<"RECOHADRON changed to "<<val<<endl;
316  return;
317  }
318  if(attr == "RECOLEPTON"){
319  mRecolepton = val;
320  cout<<"RECOLEPTON changed to "<<val<<endl;
321  return;
322  }
323 }
324 //_______________________________________________________________
325 JetFourVec* StDijetFilter::recoJet(vector<JetFourVec*> v, double* vert) const
326 {
327  JetFourVec* j = new JetFourVec;
328  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
329  int id = v[i]->getCode();
330  if(abs(id) != 11 && id != -2212 && id != -2122){
331  v[i]->setPtEtaPhiM(mRecohadron*v[i]->Pt(),v[i]->Eta(),v[i]->Phi(),v[i]->M());
332  }else{
333  v[i]->setPtEtaPhiM(mRecolepton*v[i]->Pt(),v[i]->Eta(),v[i]->Phi(),v[i]->M());
334  }
335  (*j) = (*j) + (*v[i]);
336  }
338  return j;
339 }
340 //_______________________________________________________________
341 vector<JetFourVec*> StDijetFilter::addMidPoints(vector<JetFourVec*> seeds) const
342 {
343  unsigned int n = seeds.size();
344  float pi = acos(-1.0);
345  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++){
346  for(unsigned int l = 0; l < k; l++){
347  if(dR(seeds[k],seeds[l]) > 2*mRcone)continue;
348  JetFourVec* s = new JetFourVec;
349  float maxphi = max(seeds[k]->Phi(),seeds[l]->Phi());
350  float minphi = min(seeds[k]->Phi(),seeds[l]->Phi());
351  float dphi = fabs(maxphi - minphi);
352  if(dphi > pi)minphi += 2*pi;
353  float neta = 0.5*(seeds[k]->Eta() + seeds[l]->Eta());
354  float nphi = 0.5*(maxphi + minphi);
355  if(nphi > pi)nphi -= 2*pi;
356  if(nphi < -pi) nphi += 2*pi;
357  s->setPtEtaPhiM(0.001,neta,nphi,0);
358  seeds.push_back(s);
359  }
360  }
361  return seeds;
362 }
363 //_______________________________________________________________
364 void StDijetFilter::split(vector<JetFourVec*> &v1, vector<JetFourVec*> &v2) const
365 {
366  JetFourVec* j1 = combineTracks(v1);
367  JetFourVec* j2 = combineTracks(v2);
369  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator dit;
370  for(vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator it = v1.begin(); it != v1.end(); it++){
371  dit = find(v2.begin(),v2.end(),*it);
372  if(dit == v2.end())continue;
373  float d1 = dR(j1,*it);
374  float d2 = dR(j2,*it);
375  if(d2 > d1){
376  v2.erase(dit);
377  }
378  }
379  for(vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator it = v2.begin(); it != v2.end(); it++){
380  dit = find(v1.begin(),v1.end(),*it);
381  if(dit == v1.end())continue;
382  float d1 = dR(j1,*it);
383  float d2 = dR(j2,*it);
384  if(d1 > d2){
385  v1.erase(dit);
386  }
387  }
389  delete j1;
390  delete j2;
391 }
392 //_______________________________________________________________
393 vector<JetFourVec*> StDijetFilter::merge(vector<JetFourVec*> v1, vector<JetFourVec*> v2) const
394 {
395  vector<JetFourVec*> nj = v1;
396  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator iter;
397  for(iter = v2.begin(); iter != v2.end(); iter++){
398  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator it2 = find(v1.begin(),v1.end(),*iter);
399  if(it2 == v1.end()) nj.push_back(*iter);
400  }
402  return nj;
403 }
404 //_______________________________________________________________
405 vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > StDijetFilter::doSplitMerge(vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >orig) const
406 {
407  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > njf;
408  vector< vector<JetFourVec* > > jetFour = orig;
409  int nChange = 0;
410  int nIter = 0;
411  while(1){
412  if(nIter > 200)break;
413  nChange = 0;
414  njf.clear();
415  njf = jetFour;
416  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator iter1;
417  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator iter2;
418  for(iter1 = njf.begin(); iter1 != njf.end(); iter1++){
419  if(nChange)continue;
420  if((*iter1).size() == 0)continue;
421  JetFourVec* j = combineTracks(*iter1);
422  for(iter2 = iter1+1; iter2 != njf.end(); iter2++){
423  if(nChange)continue;
424  if((*iter2).size() == 0)continue;
425  JetFourVec* nj = combineTracks(*iter2);
426  if(dR(nj,j) > 2*mRcone){
427  delete nj;
428  continue;
429  }
430  float oe = overlapEnergy(*iter1,*iter2);
431  if(oe == 0){
432  delete nj;
433  continue;
434  }
435  nChange = 1;
436  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator njit1;
437  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator njit2;
438  njit1 = find(jetFour.begin(),jetFour.end(),*iter1);
439  njit2 = find(jetFour.begin(),jetFour.end(),*iter2);
440  if ( njit1!=jetFour.end() && njit2!=jetFour.end() ) // add protection against end of list
441  {
442  if(oe > mSplitfraction){
443  vector<JetFourVec*> mj = merge(*iter1,*iter2);
444  (*njit1).clear();
445  (*njit2).clear();
446  jetFour.erase(njit2);
447  jetFour.erase(njit1);
448  jetFour.insert(jetFour.begin(),mj);
449  if(nj) delete nj;
450  continue;
451  }else{
452  split(*njit1,*njit2);
453  if(nj) delete nj;
454  continue;
455  }
456  }
457  if(nj)delete nj; // was deleted on both branches if (oe>mSplitFraction) ... else ...
458  }
459  delete j;
460  }
461  jetFour = EtOrderedList(jetFour);
462  if(!nChange)break;
463  nIter++;
464  }
465  return njf;
467 }
468 //_______________________________________________________________
469 float StDijetFilter::overlapEnergy(vector<JetFourVec*> v1,vector<JetFourVec*> v2) const
470 {
471  float e = 0;
472  JetFourVec* j1 = combineTracks(v1);
473  JetFourVec* j2 = combineTracks(v2);
474  float high = min(j1->getEn()*sin(j1->Theta()),j2->getEn()*sin(j2->Theta()));
476  for(vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator iter1 = v1.begin(); iter1 != v1.end(); iter1++){
477  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator iter2 = find(v2.begin(),v2.end(),*iter1);
478  if(iter2 == v2.end())continue;
479  e += (*iter2)->getEn()*sin((*iter2)->Theta());
480  }
482  delete j1;
483  delete j2;
485  return e/high;
487 }
488 //_______________________________________________________________
489 vector<JetFourVec*> StDijetFilter::EtOrderedList(vector<JetFourVec*> jetFour) const
490 {
491  vector<JetFourVec*> njf;
492  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator jfvIter;
493  vector<JetFourVec*>::iterator njfvIter;
494  for(jfvIter = jetFour.begin(); jfvIter != jetFour.end(); jfvIter++){
495  if((*jfvIter)->Pt() == 0)continue;
496  int added = 0;
497  for(njfvIter = njf.begin(); njfvIter != njf.end(); njfvIter++){
498  if((*jfvIter)->Pt() > (*njfvIter)->Pt()){
499  njf.insert(njfvIter,*jfvIter);
500  added = 1;
501  break;
502  }
503  }
504  if(!added){
505  njf.push_back(*jfvIter);
506  }
507  }
509  return njf;
510 }
511 //_______________________________________________________________
512 vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > StDijetFilter::RemoveDuplicates(vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >jetFour) const
513 {
514  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > njf;
515  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator jfvIter;
516  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator njfvIter;
517  for(jfvIter = jetFour.begin(); jfvIter != jetFour.end(); jfvIter++){
518  if((*jfvIter).size() == 0)continue;
519  JetFourVec* j = combineTracks(*jfvIter);
520  int dupe = 0;
521  for(njfvIter = njf.begin(); njfvIter != njf.end(); njfvIter++){
522  JetFourVec* nj = combineTracks(*njfvIter);
523  if(*nj == *j)dupe = 1;
524  delete nj;
525  }
526  if(!dupe)njf.push_back(*jfvIter);
527  delete j;
528  }
529  return njf;
530 }
531 //_______________________________________________________________
532 vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > StDijetFilter::EtOrderedList(vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >jetFour) const
533 {
534  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> > njf;
535  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator jfvIter;
536  vector< vector<JetFourVec*> >::iterator njfvIter;
537  for(jfvIter = jetFour.begin(); jfvIter != jetFour.end(); jfvIter++){
538  if((*jfvIter).size() == 0)continue;
539  JetFourVec* j = combineTracks(*jfvIter);
540  if(j->Pt() == 0){ delete j;continue;}
541  int added = 0;
542  for(njfvIter = njf.begin(); njfvIter != njf.end(); njfvIter++){
543  JetFourVec* nj = combineTracks(*njfvIter);
544  if(j->Pt() > nj->Pt()){
545  njf.insert(njfvIter,*jfvIter);
546  delete nj;
547  added = 1;
548  break;
549  }
550  delete nj;
551  }
552  if(!added){
553  njf.push_back(*jfvIter);
554  }
555  delete j;
556  }
558  return njf;
560 }
561 //_______________________________________________________________
562 float StDijetFilter::dR(StarGenParticle* p1,StarGenParticle* p2) const
563 {
564  float dphi = fabs(atan(p1->GetPy()/p1->GetPx()) - acos(p2->GetPy()/p2->GetPx()));
565  float deta = atan(p1->GetPz()/sqrt((p1->GetPx()*p1->GetPx())+(p1->GetPy()*p1->GetPy()))) - atan(p2->GetPz()/sqrt((p2->GetPx()*p2->GetPx())+(p2->GetPy()*p2->GetPy())));
566  float pi = acos(-1.0);
567  if(dphi > pi)dphi = 2*pi - dphi;
568  return sqrt(pow(deta,2) + pow(dphi,2));
569 }
570 //_______________________________________________________________
571 float StDijetFilter::dR(StarGenParticle* p1,JetFourVec* v) const
572 {
573  float dphi = fabs(atan(p1->GetPy()/p1->GetPx()) - v->Phi());
574  float deta = atan(p1->GetPz()/sqrt((p1->GetPx()*p1->GetPx())+(p1->GetPy()*p1->GetPy()))) - v->Eta();
575  float pi = acos(-1.0);
576  if(dphi > pi)dphi = 2*pi - dphi;
577  return sqrt(pow(deta,2) + pow(dphi,2));
578 }
579 //_______________________________________________________________
580 float StDijetFilter::dR(JetFourVec* v,StarGenParticle* p) const
581 {
582  return dR(p,v);
583 }
584 //_______________________________________________________________
585 float StDijetFilter::dR(JetFourVec* v1, JetFourVec* v2) const
586 {
587  float dphi = fabs(v1->Phi() - v2->Phi());
588  float deta = v1->Eta() - v2->Eta();
589  float pi = acos(-1.0);
590  if(dphi > pi)dphi = 2*pi - dphi;
591  return sqrt(pow(deta,2) + pow(dphi,2));
592 }
593 //_______________________________________________________________
594 JetFourVec* StDijetFilter::combineTracks(vector<JetFourVec*> jf) const
595 {
596  JetFourVec* j = new JetFourVec;
597  if(jf.size() == 0)return j;
598  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < jf.size(); i++){
599  (*j) = (*j) + (*jf[i]);
600  }
602  return j;
604 }
605 //_______________________________________________________________
607 {
608  px = 0,py = 0,pz = 0,en = 0;code = 0;
609 }
610 //_______________________________________________________________
612 {
613  code = v->getCode();
614  px = v->getPx();
615  py = v->getPy();
616  pz = v->getPz();
617  en = v->getEn();
618 }
619 //_______________________________________________________________
621 {
622  px = g->GetPx();
623  py = g->GetPy();
624  pz = g->GetPz();
625  en = g->GetEnergy();
626  code = g->GetId();
627 }
628 //_______________________________________________________________
629 void JetFourVec::setPxPyPzEn(float x, float y, float z, float e)
630 {
631  setPx(x);
632  setPy(y);
633  setPz(z);
634  setEn(e);
635 }
636 //_______________________________________________________________
638 {
639  return sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz);
640 }
641 //_______________________________________________________________
643 {
644  return sqrt(px*px + py*py);
645 }
646 //_______________________________________________________________
648 {
649  float pmom = P();
650  if(pmom > fabs(pz))return -log(tan(Theta()/2.));
651  else return 1.e30;
652 }
653 //_______________________________________________________________
655 {
656  return atan2(py,px);
657 }
658 //_______________________________________________________________
660 {
661  return acos(pz/P());
662 }
663 //_______________________________________________________________
665 {
666  if(en*en - P()*P() < 0)return 0;
667  return sqrt(en*en-P()*P());
668 }
669 //_______________________________________________________________
670 void JetFourVec::setPtEtaPhiM(float pt, float eta, float phi, float m)
671 {
672  float x = pt * cos(phi);
673  float y = pt * sin(phi);
674  float p = pt*cosh(eta);
675  float z = sqrt(p*p-pt*pt)*eta/fabs(eta);
676  float e = sqrt(m*m + p*p);
677  setPxPyPzEn(x,y,z,e);
678 }
679 //_______________________________________________________________
680 void JetFourVec::setPtEtaPhiE(float pt, float eta, float phi, float e)
681 {
682  float x = pt * cos(phi);
683  float y = pt * sin(phi);
684  float p = pt*cosh(eta);
685  float z = sqrt(p*p-pt*pt)*eta/fabs(eta);
686  setPxPyPzEn(x,y,z,e);
687 }
688 //_______________________________________________________________
690 {
691  JetFourVec t;
692  t.setCode(0);
693  t.setPx(x.getPx() + px);
694  t.setPy(x.getPy() + py);
695  t.setPz(x.getPz() + pz);
696  t.setEn(x.getEn() + en);
698  return t;
699 }
700 //_______________________________________________________________
702 {
703  if(code != x.getCode())return false;
704  if(fabs(px - x.getPx()) > 1e-4)return false;
705  if(fabs(py - x.getPy()) > 1e-4)return false;
706  if(fabs(pz - x.getPz()) > 1e-4)return false;
707  if(fabs(en - x.getEn()) > 1e-4)return false;
709  return true;
710 }
float getPz()
getter for py
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:55
Float_t GetVz()
Get the z-component of the start vertex.
virtual ~StDijetFilter()
float getEn()
getter for pz
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:56
float Eta()
calculate vector pt
Int_t GetNumberOfParticles()
Obtain the number of particles in the event record.
Definition: StarGenEvent.h:187
float getPx()
getter for pdg code
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:53
Yet another particle class.
Int_t GetStatus()
Get the status code of the particle according to the HEPEVT standard.
pdg code of four vector
float M()
calculate vector theta
Float_t GetPz()
Get the z-component of the momentum.
void setPx(float x)
setter for pdg code
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:44
Float_t GetEnergy()
Get the energy.
void setPxPyPzEn(float, float, float, float)
setter for en
void setCode(int x)
equality operator
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:43
JetFourVec operator+(JetFourVec)
float Theta()
calculate vector phi
Int_t GetId()
Get the id code of the particle according to the PDG standard.
float P()
calculate vector mass
Main filter class. Goes anywhere in the chain, filters StarGenEvent objects.
void setPz(float x)
setter for py
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:46
void setPy(float x)
setter for px
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:45
void setPtEtaPhiM(float, float, float, float)
four element setter
bool operator==(JetFourVec)
addition operator
int getCode()
alternative four element setter
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:52
Float_t GetPx()
Get the x-component of the momentum.
Float_t GetVy()
Get the y-component of the start vertex.
Float_t GetPy()
Get the y-component of the momentum.
void parseConfig(std::string, float)
float Phi()
calculate vector pseudorapidity
Base class for event records.
Definition: StarGenEvent.h:81
void setPtEtaPhiE(float, float, float, float)
alternative four element setter
Float_t GetVx()
Get the x-component of the start vertex.
void setEn(float x)
setter for pz
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:47
TIter IterAll(Bool_t dir=kIterForward)
Definition: StarGenEvent.h:173
float Pt()
getter for en
float getPy()
getter for px
Definition: StDijetFilter.h:54
read a config file to adjust parameters
Int_t Filter(StarGenEvent *mEvent)