STAR SOFTWARE NEWS  January 4, 2018
The present release assignment:  
             SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL11b    (SL11b_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 MC & st_W pp 500GeV, run 2009
             SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL12a_embed  (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL12d    (SL12d_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production
             SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 
             SL14a    (SL14a_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 76-12
             SL14g    (SL14g_3)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161
             SL14i    (SL14i_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production          
             SL15b    (SL15b_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 & AuAu 200GeV run 2014 preview production  
             SL15c    (SL15c)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT  
             SL15e_embed  (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 
             SL15k    (SL15k_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production
             SL15l    (SL15l)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production
             SL16a    (SL16a)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16b    (SL16b_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16d    (SL16d_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking 
             SL16g (SL16g)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 500GeV run 2013, auau 20GeV run 2014 st_W production   
             SL16j (SL16j)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV  run 2016 production
             SL16k (SL16k)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_hlt production without HFT tracking
             SL17a (SL17a)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
       old-> SL17b (SL17b)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 200GeV run 2016 preproduction 
             SL17c (SL17c)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
       pro-> SL17d (SL17d)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production
             SL17e (SL17e)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL17f (SL17f_1)     ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production;
                                                    pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction;
             SL17g (SL17g_1)     ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production
             SL17h (SL17h)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
       new-> SL17i (SL17i)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3, AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production
       dev-> DEV                 ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
      .dev-> .DEV                ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30


Release History

SL17a library
SL17b library
SL17c library
SL17d library
SL17e library
SL17f library
SL17g library
SL17h library
SL17i library

  • November 29, 2017
    new library SL17i tagged as SL17i has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platform;
    default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on December 3 .

    Main features:

    - StiIst, StiPxl, StiSsd codes modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
    - added K*0(892) in StarClassLibrary and gstar ;
    - in StarVMC/Geometry added TPC global alignment option to TPC placement and
    misalignment option to TPC in y2014x,y2015x,y2016x geometries;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    rexe/TGeant3/TGiant3.h - modified to expose Gcflag_t to ROOT;
    StDbServiceBroker.cxx - updated with auto-throttling mechanism for network error notifications;
    StKStarZero.cc, StKStarZero.hh - added K*0(892) aka pdg 313 to gstar with g3id = 10013 ;
    StParticleTable.cc - modified accordingly to accomodate K*0(892) updates;
    STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added 'isvol' flag to stepping tree;
    StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator;
    StBTofHitMaker.cxx, StBTofHitMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
    StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
    StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
    StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
    StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to allow 'FullGridLeak' to work on specific sheets via sheet widths;
    StFgtPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPointPair.cxx - cleanup: removed StRoot/ from included header prefix;
    StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - updated to disable dN/dx fit ;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added 'getCorrectedAdc' and fix a memory leak ;
    StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
    StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to extend search for sensitive volumes in alternative hierarchies;
    StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
    StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to extend search for sensitive volumes in alternative hierarchies ;
    StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
    StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to extend search for sensitive volumes in alternative hierarchies;
    StPxlSimMaker.h - modified do not generate ROOT streamer;
    StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx - initialized member pointer in constructor; removed pointless pointer validation;
    StSstDaqMaker.cxx - corrected path to included header file;
    StTpcDbMaker.cxx - enabled Mag.Field depending flavor ;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - removed unecessary log output;

    include/daqFormats.h - updated trigger formats;
    src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
    src/SFS/fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx;
    trg/include/trgDataDefs_44.h, trgDataDefs_45.h - added new files to update trigger structure;

    sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added K*0(892) aka pdg 313 to gstar with g3id = 10013;
    sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;

    StarAgmlLib/AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h - added runtime debug switch to AgPosition;
    AgPosition.cxx - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - updated to step back to slightly less accurate IST model for y2016x geometry cooling tubes in ladders will not be seen;
    added misalignment option to TPC in y2014x,y2015x,y2016x geometries; added back y2015d geometry;
    Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo2a.xml - modified to use new TPC alignment scheme;
    Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo2a.xml - updated to make sure these get initialized to zero;
    Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo6b.xml - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
    Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7a.xml - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
    Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml, TpceGeo3a.xml - added TPC global alignment option to TPC placement;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - enabled y2014x geometry;

  • October 20, 2017
    new library SL17h tagged as SL17h has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on October 24.

    Main features:

    - StPicoEvent & StPicoDstMaker modified to include FMS hits in picoDst ;
    - added first version of geometry for time-of-flight endcap ;
    - added first version of y2018 geometry;
    - release first implementation of misalignable geometries model;
    - StEvent - added initial revision of Trigger Data structure for run 2018;
    - first release of StPxlSimMaker/DIGMAPS : a standalone tool to study digitization of HFT software ;
    - codes adjusted for forcoming SL7.3 platform with gcc 4.8.5 compiler ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h - modified to rework decayer logic such that mother particles appear in event record ;
    Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx - modified to rework decayer logic such that mother particles appear in event record;
    Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx - modified to rework decayer logic such that mother particles appear in event record;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented options for ideal and misalignable geometries;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2018 geometry tag for bfc.C ;
    added support the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries;
    StDaqLib/TRG/trgStructures2018.h - added new files for trigger structure for year 2018;
    StTriggerData2018.cxx, StTriggerData2018.h - added initial revision for year 2018 data;
    StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - modified to handle new StTriggerData2018;
    StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h, StTriggerData2017.cxx - added access fct epdADC() and epdTDC();
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to add 'BitShiftGain' ;
    macros/fmsBitShiftGain_db.C, push_fmsBitShiftGain - added new files for 'BitShiftGain' related updates;
    fms_db_detectorposition.C, fpsPosition_db.C, fpsgeom.txt - modified for 'BitShiftGain' related updates;
    StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - modified to add 'fmsBitShiftGain';
    StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - added 'BitShiftGain' ;
    StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make active sensors may appear at different paths in ideal and misaligable geometry models;
    StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make active sensors may appear at different paths in ideal and misaligable geometry models;
    StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make active sensors may appear at different paths in ideal and misaligable geometry models;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to integrate ETOF into simulation;
    StPicoFmsHit.cxx, StPicoFmsHit.h - added new files to include FMS hits in picoDst;
    StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h - added new files to fill in FMS branch in picoDst;
    StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to use StPicoFmsFiller to fill FMS branch in picoDst;
    StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx - updated to integrate new development of PXL simulation;
    StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx, StPxlDigmapsSim.h - added new files for PXL fast/full simulation;
    DIGMAPS/digaction.cxx, digaction.h, digadc.cxx, digadc.h, digbeam.cxx, digbeam.h, digcluster.cxx, digcluster.h, digevent.cxx, digevent.h, dighistograms.cxx, dighistograms.h, diginitialize.cxx, diginitialize.h, digmaps.cxx, digmaps.h, digparticle.cxx, digparticle.h, digplane.cxx, digplane.h, digproto.cxx, digproto.h, digreadoutmap.cxx, digreadoutmap.h, digresult.cxx, digresult.h, digtransport.cxx, digtransport.h - added new files to study digitization in HFT software;
    StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for run 2018;

    include/fcfClass.hh, myrinet.h, platform.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h, itpc_maps.h - updated ;
    src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - added flags;
    src/LOG/Makefile, rtsLog.C - added logging from stdin;

    sim/g2t/g2t_eto.F - added new files to read ETOF to g2t table;
    g2t_volume_id.g - updated to integrate ETOF into simulation;
    modified to support alternate paths to pxl, ist, sst active sensors, while maintaining the same absolute volume ID;
    g2t_eto.idl - new IDL file for ETOF g2t module;
    sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - updated to integrate ETOF into simulation;

    StarAgmlLib/AgCreate.cxx, AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - updated to support volume placement / misal ignment via DB tables;
    StarAgmlUtil/AgMLPosition.cxx, AgMLPosition.h, AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h - updated to support volume placement / misalignment via DB tables;
    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - updated to use MUTD16 in y2017a production geometry;
    implemented misaligned geometry tags for year 2014 to year 2016 ;
    implemented the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries in xgeometry; switched in the misalignable modules in the 'x' geometries;
    Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml, EtofGeo0.xml - first version of time-of-flight endcap;
    updated to integrate ETOF into simulation ;
    Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo2a.xml - added new file with misalignable IDS geometry;
    IdsmConfig.xml, IdsmGeo2a.xml - implemented the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries in xgeometry; switched in the misalignable modules in the 'x' geometries;
    Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1a.xml, IstdGeo1b.xml, IstdGeo2a.xml - added new files for misalignable IST geometry;
    IstdConfig.xml - modified ;
    Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo6a.xml, PixlGeo6b.xml - added new files for misalignable PXL geometry;
    PixlConfig.xml - modified ;
    Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7a.xml - added new file for misalignable SST geometry;
    SisdConfig.xml - modified;
    AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h - added support for specifying rotation matrix directly;
    AgMLDb.h, AgMLDb.cxx - added new files to establishes the interface between the AgML placement codes and the database;
    xgeometryxgeometry.age - implemented the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries in xgeometry; switched in the misalignable modules in the 'x' geometries;

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018.C - added y2018 geometry;
    idl/epdGain.idl - table updates for EPD;
    fmsBitShiftGain.idl - added new FMS table;

    mgr/Dyson/Export/AgROOT.py, Mortran.py - updated to support volume placement / misalignment via DB tables;
    mgr/Dyson/Syntax/SyntaxHandler.py - updated to support volume placement / misalignment via DB tables;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/JevpBuilder.h, fgtBuilder.h, fmsBuilder.h, fpsBuilder.h, hltBuilder.h, hltphiBuilder.h, istBuilder.h, l4Builder.h, ssdBuilder.h - updated to comply with sl73_gcc485 platform;
    fcsBuilder.cxx, fcsBuilder.h - added new files;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/PdfFileBuilder.cxx - updated;
    PDFUtil/PdfIndex.cxx - updated;

  • October 9, 2017
    SL17g library has been updated with fixes related to tracks matching to BTOF detector. Library was retagged as SL17g_1 ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    BigFullChain.h - added useBTOFmatchOnly dependence on useBTOF4Vtx, removed VFStoreX dependence on genvtx;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option to imply useBTOF;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - updated for proper reporting/usage of 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option, plus LOGGER usage bugs fixed
    StBTofTables.cxx - restored access to TOF status table (Calibrations/tof/tofStatus) ;

  • September 16, 2017
    new library SL17g tagged as SL17g has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on September 18.

    Main features:

    - StPicoEvent & StPicoDstMaker updated with new codes to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree;
    - StMuDSTMaker updated to recover FMS hits in MuDst using StTriggerData;
    - StPxlRawHitMaker modified to append rawHits to StPxlRawHitCollection as needed for embedding;
    - added new maker StEpdDbMaker for EPD detector;
    - added new tables for EPD nd PXL detectors;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    BigFullChain.h - added picoDst dependence for StPass0CalibMaker ;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented 'VFStoreX' option to leave in MuDst more than 5 vertices ;
    'pxlSlowSim' option implemented ; added 'epdDb' option;
    THelixTrack.cxx - fixed to comply with coverity ;
    TRandomVector.h, TRandomVector.cxx - added ctr with packed error matrix ;
    TAttr.h, TAttr.cxx - changed IAttr() strtol("",0,0) ==> strtol("",0,10) to avoid non decimal representation ; int return values substituet to long to meet future 64bit libraries;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_MDFCorrectionC.h, St_SurveyC.h, St_pxlSensorTpsC.h - added new chair : St_vpdSimParamsC, added cash for MDF calculations;
    St_vpdSimParamsC.h - added new chair : St_vpdSimParamsC ;
    StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, dEdxHist.cxx - modified to adjust to run 2017 pp 500GeV data;
    StEpdDbMaker.h, StEpdDbMaker.cxx - added new code for EPD detector;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to decalare member functions cons; added function 'readGainCorrFromText()' ;
    StFmsHitMaker.cxx - modified to remove StRoot/ from include path;
    StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx - fixed column and row at sensor edge in function findPad() ;
    StiPPVertex/VertexData.cxx - added missing initializations in constructor;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - fixed memory leak of StEmcCollection ;
    StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - added protection for BL9, installed in 2017 for test, since the geometry file does not include this backleg ;
    COMMON/StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx, StMuFmsUtil.h - modified to recover FMS hits in MuDst using StTriggerData;
    StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - introduced modes for aggregation, modified to implement vertex-seed-finding with picoDsts;
    StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.h - added new files for vertex-seed-finding with picoDsts;
    StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h - added new files to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree;
    StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to add time to StPicoEvent; saved time when generating picodst from mudst and recover when reading picodst;
    StPicoBbcTile.cxx, StPicoBbcTile.h, StPicoCommon.cxx, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoEpdTile.cxx, StPicoEpdTile.h - added new files to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
    StPicoEvent.h - modified to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
    StPicoUtilities.h - modified to define custom_refMult as std::array rather than std::map, it gives a 2-3 factor speed up if the array is used in place of the map; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
    StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h - added time to StPicoEvent; saved time when generating picodst from mudst and recover when reading picodst;
    StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoTrack.cxx - updated for facelifting changes;
    StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx - updated to ensure idTruth is preserved for MC hits for overlapping scenarios between MC/data and two or more MC hits;
    StPxlClusterMaker.cxx - changed std::random_shuffle to std::rand to be consistent with STAR coding ;
    StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added access functions for pxlDigmapsSim table ;
    StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h, StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - modified to append rawHits to StPxlRawHitCollection only if exists - for simu/embedding ;
    StSstDbMaker.cxx - corresponding to DB table changed sstOnTpc = oscOnTpc*sstOnOsc;
    StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added pointer guard for trigger definition and trigger threshold tables, the pointers can not be null;

    trg/include/trgCrateDefs.h - added new file;
    trgDataDefs.h, trgConfNum.h - modified;
    RC_Config.h, rtsSystems.h - changed EPQ > EQ3; FQx > EQx ;
    src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - updated;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h - updated;
    src/SFS/fs_index.cxx, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h - updated;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20170101.000016.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.20170101.000013.C, TpcResponseSimulator.20151 220.000002.C, TpcRowQ.20170101.000012.C, TpcRowQ.20170622.000012.C, TpcSecRowB.20170101.000012.root, TpcSecRowB.20170622.000012.root, TpcTanL.201 70101.000006.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20170101.000007.C, tpcPressureB.20170101.000004.C - added new files for first iteration of dE/dx calibration for Run 2017;
    TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2016.C - modified;
    idl/pxlDigmapsSim.idl - added new table for PXL;
    epdFEEMap.idl, epdQTMap.idl - added new tables for EPD ;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/tofBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.h - removed unused VPD plots and update trigger window for TOF tray 105;
    trgBuilder.cxx - updated;

  • January 4, 2018
    SL17f library has been updated with fixes related to TOF simulation issue, bug #3316, needed to process TOF embedding production. Updated codes have been retagged with the same tag SL17f_1 ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StBTofSimMaker.cxx - updated to correctly incorporates the VPD resolution for events without any VPD info;
    updated guard against non-existant 'btofheader' in embedding mode;
    StVpdSimConfig.h - updated to check for and use an existing St_db_Maker before creating a new one; also changed logic in getVpdResolution - which is used when VpdSimMaker is NOT run;

  • October 3, 2017
    SL17f library has been updated with fixes related to tracks matching to BTOF detector. Library was retagged as SL17f_1 ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    BigFullChain.h - added useBTOFmatchOnly dependence on useBTOF4Vtx, removed VFStoreX dependence on genvtx;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option to imply useBTOF;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - updated for proper reporting/usage of 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option, plus LOGGER usage bugs fixed
    StBTofTables.cxx - restored access to TOF status table (Calibrations/tof/tofStatus) ;

  • June 5, 2017
    new library SL17f tagged as SL17f has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on June 8.

    Main features:

    - StTriggerData added new methods for bbcBB101(), bbcBB102() and bbcTDC5bit() for run 2017;
    - StGenericVertexMaker - further development options to handle primary vertices;
    - StEmcADCtoEMaker updated for picoDst production;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    TRandomVector.cxx, TRandomVector.h - cleaned up;
    BigFullChain.h - implemented run 2017 chain for auau data;
    StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.h - updated for picoDst production;
    StBemcRaw.cxx - updated for picoDst production;
    StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added bbcBB101() and bbcBB102() methods;
    StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added bbcTDC5bit() method ;
    StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx - modified for decoding of QTb data;
    StDcaGeometry.cxx, StDcaGeometry.h - cosmetic changes;
    StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - removed time validity check for trigDetSum table;
    StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified;
    dEdxHist.cxx, dEdxHist.h - added new files to extract histogram definition in separate file;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated options for MuDst mode; modified to store number of unqualified vertices and use only BTOF-matched tracks;
    corrected default beamline options for VFMinuit and PPV;
    StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - minor refactoring changes: get rid of a temporary variable; get rid of extra return; zero vertices returned for unqualified event; removed deprecated CalibBeamLine();
    variables renamed for readability; removed some not very helpful debug output; updated doxygen, whitespace, resolved ambiguity;
    StCtbUtility.h, StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - cosmetic changes; removed log messages from source files; prefixed included headers with paths to respective modules;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - variables renamed for readability; removed some not very helpful debug output; updated doxygen, whitespace, resolved ambiguity;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - updated options to store number of unqualified vertices anduse only BTOF-matched tracks; modified to get rid of a temporary variable; get rid of extra return; zero vertices returned for unqualified event; removed deprecated CalibBeamLine();
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to move assert (mToolkit) to test only truly needed; setup fit with single parameter for 1D fit; removed overlooked reference to a debug histogram;
    BemcHitList.cxx, BemcHitList.h, BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h, CtbHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.h, EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, ScintHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, Vertex3D.h, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - cosmetic changes; removed log messages from source files; prefixed included headers with paths to respective modules;
    BtofHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.h, VertexData.cxx - variables renamed for readability; removed some not very helpful debug output; updated doxygen, whitespace, resolved ambiguity;
    StJetMaker2012.cxx, StAnaPars.h - added FMS tower to jet maker;
    mudst/StjBEMCMuDst.cxx - modified to assign detector by using enumeration StDetectorId defined in StEvent/StEnumerations.h;
    StjFMSMuDst.cxx, StjFMSMuDst.h - added FMS rowser to jet maker;
    towers/StjFMS.cxx, StjFMS.h, StjFMSNull.cxx, StjFMSNull.h, StjFMSTree.cxx, StjFMSTree.h - added FMS towser to jet m aker;
    COMMON/StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h - modified to pass pointer properly;
    StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to synchronize the declaration and defintion of function setVtxMode() such that the old c++ interpreter in ROOT5 does not complain about "Ambiguous overload";
    StPreEclMaker.cxx - commented out unsupported StEmcADCtoEMaker::clearStEventSta();

    macros/mudst/VtxRecoMuDst.C - added new macrob to re-find vertices in MuDst;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.20141220.000000.C - added new file, calibration for run 2015;
    TpcResponseSimulator.20151220.000001.C - added TpcRS calibration for Run 2016;
    TpcResponseSimulator.y2016.C - added default MC version of the correction;

  • May 8, 2017
    new library SL17e tagged as SL17e has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on May 10.

    Main features:

    - OnlTools/Jevp FPS and MTD Builders updated for run 2017;
    - added FTS detector in StEvent structure;
    - StGenericVertexMakeradded new vertex fit option "BeamlineNoFit"
    to distinguish between Beamline1D fit for MinuitVF and PPV ;
    - StMuDSTMaker modified to change associated vertex when running
    a vertex finder as an afterburner ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StHelixHelper.cxx - replaced Step() ==> Path() ;
    BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx - modified to make sure taus fall through to the decayer, and preserve history in event record;
    TF1Fitter.cxx - modified to use public accessor to access protected member;
    TF1Fitter.cxx, TF1Fitter.h - added explicit type cast to match TF1 constructor signature in ROOT5 and ROOT6 ;
    StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h - added setConstBz; fixed wrong default values;
    StMaker.h - added GetData() to hide m_DataSet ;
    StEpcMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h, StTrack.h, StTrack.cxx - added FTS detector;
    StExtGeometry.h, StExtGeometry.cxx - updated name to add 0;
    StRnDHit.h, StRnDHit.cxx - added own error matrix;
    StVertex.h - convenience setter for covariance matrix from array of doubles;
    Stl3RawReaderMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_Debug;
    Stl3CounterMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_Debug;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, VertexFinderOptions.cxx, VertexFinderOptions.h - added new vertex fit option " BeamlineNoFit" to distinguish between Beamline1D fit for MinuitVF and PPV; added helper function to identify fit options requiring beamline; modified to match BFC option "beamline" to "BeamlineNoFit" for PPV; modified to take advantage of new helper function 'requiresBeamline' ;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - TMinuit moved to base class;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - TMinuit moved to base class;
    StiPPVertex/TrackData.h - added overlooked TrackDataT constructor definition;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - added new vertex fit option 'BeamlineNoFit' to distinguish between 'Beamline1D' fit for MinuitVF and PPV; added helper function to identify fit options requiring beamline; modified to match BFC option "beamline" to "BeamlineNoFit" for PPV; modified to take advantage of new helper function 'requiresBeamline' ;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - TMinuit moved to base class;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added Sigma and Valley for Fps/Fpost;
    StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - added gain scaling when attenuation was on during geant simulation;
    StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StFtpcMixerMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StIstScanClusterAlgo.h - added destructor ;
    StIstClusterMaker.cxx - fixed crash;
    StiElossCalculator.h, StiElossCalculator.cxx - standard ctr added and set method;
    COMMON/StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - cosmetics, whitespace adjustments;
    StMuTrack.h - modified to change associated vertex when running a vertex finder as an afterburner;
    StMuTrack.cxx - added additional info to print statement;
    StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - modified to declare getters const;
    StMuRpsCollection.h - modified to increment ClassDef in StMuRpsCollection;
    StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - replaced Int_t ==> UInt_t to avoid wrong cast; removed GetData();
    StSstDaqMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StSsdPointMaker - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StSstPointMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    StSsdEmbeddingMaker.cxx, St_sls_Maker.cxx, St_spa_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    St_ctf_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    St_emc_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    St_geom_Maker.cxx - cleanup;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    St_geant_Maker.h - removed 'delete';
    year2003.cxx - modified to hide m_Debug;
    St_trg_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;

    Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo3.xml - enabled attenuation option in y2011 (and other) FMS geometries;
    FpdmGeo4.xml - fixed check on data structure to enable FMS attenuation;
    StVMCMaker/StVMCMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - added y2011b case statement;

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2011b.C - added missing y2011b support;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fpsBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.cxx - updated;
    mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h - updated to treat BL 9 as a 3-tray system; added a 2D hit map for good hits; added the distribution of hit time;

  • April 15, 2017
    new library SL17d tagged as SL17d has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on April 18.

    Main features:

    - OnlTools/Jevp added new plots for FPOST detector in run 2017;
    - first release of daq code for FCS detector;
    - added new DB tables for FPOST detector;
    - StGenericVertexMaker updated for vertex reconstruction from MuDst data format ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    TRandomVector.h, TRandomVector.cxx - updated;
    StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - implemented generic SpaceCharge and GridLeak functions independent of specific modes;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx - fixed nslat function; updated for run 2017 FMS positions;
    getCellPosition2017.cxx, getCellPosition2017.h - added run 2017 FMS positions ;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - coverity fixes;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - changed primary tracks association for StMuTracks; removed seemingly unnecessary condition; modified not to pass mother track separately, since TrackData knows about its mother track;
    TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h - introduced deligating constructor; added specialization for template constructor;
    StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - removed the function to apply trigger time window cuts since they are applied already during reconstruction; updated to accommodate 8-QT system used in 2016; removed the implementation for StEvent QA since it is not maintained ; vertex selection for cosmic ray updated;
    COMMON/StAddRunInfoMaker.cxx - fixed Checking event->info();
    StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to use generic GridLeak function;
    StiNodePars.h - corrected for zero manetic field;

    src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - added new code for FCS detector;

    idl/fpostGain.idl, fpsGain.idl - added new DB tables for FPOST detector;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fpsBuilder.cxx, fpsBuilder.h - added new plots for FPOST ;
    ppBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.cxx - updated ;
    fpsBuilder.cxx - updated to move accessing RCC counter before the hit loop; modified not to fill hists for events with no FPS/FPOST data;

  • March 10, 2017
    new library SL17c tagged as SL17c has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on March 13.

    Main features:

    - OnlTools/Jevp updated plots for run 2017;
    - first release of StBTofSimMaker, StBTofMixerMaker, StVpdSimMaker and StVpdCalibMaker makers ;
    - added new DB tables for EPD detector;
    - StGenericVertexMaker updated with option to reconstruct primary vertex using MuDst format;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Simulation/starsim/include/atlsim/agchit.inc - removed extra (and unused) definition of common blocks;

    BigFullChain.h - implemented base chain for run 2017; reshaped of options for Vpd/BTof Sim + mixer for BTof;
    StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - updated;
    StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h - added first version of BTofMixer maker;
    StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - updated after review;
    StDbDefs.hh, StDbManagerImpl.cc - added new detector EPD;
    StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h - added bbcVP101;
    StFmsPointPair.cxx, StFmsPointPair.h - changed F to D for StLorentzVector;
    StTriggerData2017.cxx - changed mtdQtAtCh for run17 mapping;
    StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - fixed bug in accounting laser in magnetic fileld calculation;
    StCtbUtility.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.h - codes cleanup and improved styling:
    remove commented code for debugging; removed extra validation; removed from nclude header for apple OS; removed pointless assert; modified to use standard portable type name; removed unused header math_constants.h; removed abandoned member function;
    StGenericVertexFinder.h - updated to enhance proxy data structures for track and vertex;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - updated mainly for stylistic improvement; modified DB access code;
    VertexFinderOptions.cxx, VertexFinderOptions.h - added new files to select vertec finder options;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - codes cleanup and improved styling:
    remove commented code for debugging; removed extra validation; removed from nclude header for apple OS; removed pointless assert; modified to use standard portable type name; removed unused header math_constants.h; removed abandoned member function;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - refactoring design flaws by getting rid of static members:
    - StMinuitVertexFinder: moved static fit functions to base class; modified to use equivalent base class fit function for Beamline3D fits; get rid of static mWidthScale in favor of equivalent local variables;
    - converted functions from static to member + adjustments; introduced self static pointer to vertex finder implementations, this is required by TMinuit relying on static fit functions;
    - StMinuitVertexFinder: Use common fit function type; renamed Chi2AtVertex to virtual CalcChi2DCAs; converted static sDCAs to mDCAs; converted static sBeamline to mBeamline;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - set appropriate number of free parameters for TMinuit; deleted TMinuit object;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - removed depricated method; the fit type is now set in constructor a long with other appropriate settings; modified DB access code;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.h - updated to enhance proxy data structures for track and vertex;
    StiPPVertex/EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, Vertex3D.cxx, Vertex3D.h - codes cleanup and improved styling:
    remove commented code for debugging; removed extra validation; removed from nclude header for apple OS; removed pointless assert; modified to use standard portable type name; removed unused header math_constants.h; removed abandoned member function;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - refactoring design flaws by getting rid of static members;
    updated to enhance PPV with MuDst functionality; modified to create optional BTOF and CTB hit lists;
    BemcHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - modifid to enhance proxy data structures for track and vertex :
    - TrackDataT: implemented new helper for TrackData to manipulate original mother track; added method to calculate chi2 w.r.t. a vertex; added member pointer to DCA geometry; added print() method; added fields with simulation data;
    - VertexData: added member to flag triggered vertex;
    BemcHitList.cxx, BemcHitList.h, BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h, EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx,StPPVertexFinder.h - modified DB access code;
    StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - added a new data member mYear to indicate run year; invoke appropriate functions in StMtdGeometry class to calculate local y to make the class backward compatible;
    StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added option to select different vertex; added more QA plots for PID variable;
    StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added back the old implementation of GetCellLocalYCenter() function to make the class backward compatible;
    StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, StVpdCalibMaker.h - updated after review;
    StVpdSimMaker.cxx, StVpdSimMaker.h, StVpdSimConfig.h - first release of VPD simulation maker;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - removed HFT plots for run 2017;

    include/RC_Config.h - updated for run 2017;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/Makefile, daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h - updated;
    src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx, daq_dta.cxx - added iTPC as a pseudo detector for now;
    src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - updated;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/Makefile, rts_example.C - added iTPC; fixed RCC counter; fixed FPS metadata;

    idl/epdFEEMap.idl, epdGain.idl, epdQTMap.idl, epdStatus.idl - added new EPD tables;

    Jevp/level.source - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/trgBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx - updated;
    mtdBuilder.cxx - changed back to the 4-QT board system;
    l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - added DCA plots for BEMC and TOF matched tracks;
    Jevp/StJevpData/jmlXml.C - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, JevpPlotSet.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;

  • February 14, 2017
    new library SL17b tagged as SL17b has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on February 16.

    Main features:

    - OnlTools: added JevpBuilder for EPD;
    - added ETOF detector to DAQ structure;
    - added DAQ reader files for iTPC;
    - StMtdGeometry modified for run 2017 and beyond;
    - StGenericVertexMaker: added vertex seed finding algorithm based on TSpectrum;
    - StdEdxY2Maker and related codes updated to adjust dEdx calibrations for dAu20-62GeV ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StIstSurveyC.h, StPxlSurveyC.h, StSstSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h, StiIstChairs.cxx, St_TpcPadCorrectionMDF.h - added new table to correct dE/dx pad dependence for dAu20-62GeV run 2016, reshaped Survey;
    StiIst2HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst3HitErrorCalculator.h - removed files;
    StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - added new Table to correct dE/dx pad dependence, for dAu20-62 run 2016 calibration;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - added vertex seed finding based on TSpectrum;
    added option (SeedFinder_t) to choose from seed finders algorithms;
    stylistic change to achieve somewhat cleaner initialization of the base class by using constructor delegation. The default constructor is still created with unspecified seed finder and vertex fit types;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - added vertex seed finding based on TSpectrum;
    modified to build likelihood and find vertex candidates in a separate method;
    updated to set return status when fitting tracks to vertex;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - added option (SeedFinder_t) to choose from seed finders algorithms; modified to use SeedFinder_t option to select seed finder;
    modified to fit tracks with vertex after all seeds have been found; The way how the coordinates of the seeds updated depends on the fiting mode option specified by the user;
    updated to copy found vertices to final container regardless of the fitting mode;
    eliminated acces the StEvent as it is passed as argument;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - examinTrackDca() simplified, it did calculate and create dca node, accuracy is the same, but code is simplified and speeded up;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - created member HList concurently with finder ;
    modified Const parameters which should not be arguments; initialized members in list with reasonable default values;
    StPPVertexFinder.h - changed access to private memebers for histograms;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - cleanup global space by getting rid of preprocessor directives;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - added option (SeedFinder_t) to choose from seed finders algorithms;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added FPost detector;
    StFpsRawHitMaker.cxx, StFpsRawHitMaker.h - added FPost detector; removed LOG_INFO;
    StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - modified for run 2017 and beyond do not move BL 8&24 along y direction by hand since this is already done in the geometry file;
    StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - adjusted due to modification in StMtdGeometry code;
    COMMON/StMuTrack.h - modified to let users change track type e.g. global/primary/etc..;
    StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - updated to copy previously missing values in StMuTrack to StTrack conversion;
    StiHit.cxx, StiHit.h - added methods idTruth() & qaTruth(); in the case of simulation these methods get IdTruth info from related StHit;
    StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx - added method 'removeNode', it removes node from the track; becames important for the case with reuse hits when old DCA node is not more correct and must be removed and new one created;
    added method 'getChi2Max()' to calculate maximal bad node, it could be used for filtering with reuse hits ON;
    added method idTruth, it uses idTruth's of hits and calculates dominant contrubutor;
    StiMapUtilities.cxx - replaced subTimesUsed() ==> setTimesUsed(0) ;
    StiTrack.h - base getChi2Max() added;
    StiTreeNode.h StiTreeNode.cxx - added 'remove node' ;
    StiMaker.cxx - in method 'CleanGlobalTracold' old Dca node removed for track with reused hits, new Dca node created after refit;
    in method 'FinishTracks' some histo created;
    StiDebug.h, StiDebug.cxx - new Count(char*,char*,double) added;
    StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - adjusted to structure changes in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
    StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - added new Table to correct dE/dx pad dependence for dAu20-62 calibration;

    includertsLog.h - fixed some const chars and added standalone LOG;
    rtsSystems.h, rtsMonitor.h - added GG structure;
    src/LOG/logTest.C, rtsLogUnix.c - fixed some const char;
    src/DAQ_ETOF/Makefile, daq_etof.cxx, daq_etof.h - added ETOF detector;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h - added daq reader files for iTPC;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/Makefile, rts_example.C - added ETOF detector; added iTPC reader;
    src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx - fixed thread safety;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.dev2019.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2017.C, TpcTanL.C, tpcElectronics.dev2019.C, tpcPressureB.C, TpcEffectivedX.C - added new files ;
    tpcDriftVelocity.y2017.C - added default drift velocity for run 2017;
    TpcCurrentCorrectionX.C - added default value;
    TpcResponseSimulator.devTA.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTB.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTC.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTD.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTE.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTF.C - remoevd files;
    TpcCurrentCorrectionX.20160521.000305.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160618.000314.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.20160521.000312.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.20160618.000102.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.C, TpcRowQ.20160521.000311.C, TpcSecRowB.20160521.000311.root, TpcTanL.20160521.000310.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20160521.000308.C - added tables for dE/dx calibration for dAu20-62GeV run 2016;
    TpcHalfPosition.C, TpcInnerSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.C, TpcPosition.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.C - added default TPC alignment files for MC ;
    tpcPadPlanes.dev2019.C - added new file for development ;

    Jevp/HistoDefs.pl - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/epdBuilder.cxx, epdBuilder.h - added JevpBuilder for EPD;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;

  • January 19, 2017
    new library SL17a tagged as SL17a has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on January 23.

    Main features:

    - OnlTools updated to support run 2017;
    - added new tables and code for FPOST (FPS) detector;
    - StTriggerUtilities updated for year 2013 dijet analysis;
    - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.h, closeDecays.F - modified to close/open pythia6 decay channels;
    StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction;
    StMagUtilities.h, StMagUtilities.cxx - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction; speed tweek to Poisson3DRelaxation;
    StEnumerations.h - added FPost (FPS) detector ID and StFpostConstants enumerations;
    StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
    StCtbUtility.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx, StXiFinderMaker.cxx - updated to use pi constant from standard library ;
    StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - stylistic code adjustment: changed public addVertex() to accept references ;
    StiPPVertex/BemcHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx - updated to use pi const ant from standard library ;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - updated to initialize vertexID in constructor;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - removed redundant setter; added keyword to virutal methods;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx - stylistic c++ coding adjustments: changed public addVertex() to accept references ;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - stylistic c++ coding adjustments;
    StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction;
    StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - fix bug 3268: added missing correction for TpcAvgPowerSupply; added treatment for stopping electons and gammas;
    StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modifed to make switch to account __STOPPED_ELECTRONS__ ;
    StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
    Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
    Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
    StDSMUtilities/DSMAlgo_EM201_2009.cc, DSMLayer_B001_2009.cc, DSMLayer_B001_2009.hh, DSMLayer_B101_2009.cc, DSMLayer_B101_200 9.hh, DSMLayer_E001_2009.cc, DSMLayer_E001_2009.hh, DSMLayer_E101_2009.cc, DSMLayer_E101_2009.hh, DSMLayer_EM201_2009.cc, DSMLayer_EM201_2009.hh TCU.cc, TriggerDefinition.hh - added new files for 2013 dijet analysiss ;
    StDSMUtilities/y2013/DSMAlgo_BC101_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_BC101_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_BE001_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_BE001_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_BE0 03_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_BE003_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_BW001_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_BW001_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_BW003_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_BW003_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EE001_201 3.cc, DSMAlgo_EE001_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EE002_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_EE002_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EE101_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_EE101_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EE102_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_EE102_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EM201_2013.cc, DSMAlgo_EM201_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EM201_2013_a.cc, DSMAlgo_EM201_2013_a.hh - added new files for 2013 dijet analysis ;

    src/rtsplusplus.def - updated for run 2017;
    src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for run 2017;
    trg/include/trgConfNum.h - updated for run 2017;

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2017.C - added year 2017 geometry support;
    rules.make - makefile updateed for standalone/online version;
    MysqlDb.cc - updated for new compiler;
    idl/fpostChannelGeometry.idl, fpostConstant.idl, fpostGain.idl, fpostMap.idl, fpostPosition.idl, fpostSlatId.idl, fpostStatus.idl - added new FPOST (FPS) tables;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.cxx fmsBuilder.h - added hit map to FMS Jevp plots;
    l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - updated for parallelize histograms filling with OpenMP;
    JevpBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h, trgBuilder.cxx, zdc_smd.h - updated for run 2017;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - updated for run 2017;
    Jevp/JevpEdit/JevpEdit.java - updated for run 2017;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated for run 2017;