STAR SOFTWARE NEWS  December 14, 2018
The present release assignment:  
             SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL12a_embed  (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 
             SL14g    (SL14g_3)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161
             SL14i    (SL14i_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production            
             SL15c    (SL15c)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT  
             SL15e_embed  (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 
             SL15k    (SL15k_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production
             SL15l    (SL15l)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production
             SL16d    (SL16d_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking 
             SL16d_embed  (SL16d_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16g_embed  (SL16g_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30     
             SL16j (SL16j)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV  run 2016 production
             SL16j_embed  (SL16j_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16k_embed  (SL16k_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL17d (SL17d)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production
             SL17d_embed  (SL17d_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL17f (SL17f_1)     ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production;
                                                    pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction;
             SL17g (SL17g_1)     ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production
             SL17i (SL17i)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 cucu 200-22 GeV run 2005 reproduction
             SL18a (SL18a)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
       old-> SL18b (SL18b)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_physics production
       pro-> SL18c (SL18c_1)     ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_fms, st_mtd production
                                                       AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production
             SL18d (SL18d)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL18e (SL18e)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL18f (SL18f_1)     ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_epd production
       new-> SL18h (SL18h)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30        
       dev-> DEV                 ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3
      .dev-> .DEV                ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30


Release History

SL18a library
SL18b library
SL18c library
SL18d library
SL18e library
SL18f library

SL18h library

  • December 14, 2018
    new library SL18h library tagged as SL18h has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 .

  • August 10, 2018
    SL18f library has been updated with new picoDst code and retagged with tag SL18f_1 . Library was rebuilt on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platforms;

    Next codes have been updated

    BigFullChain.,h StBFChain.cxx - implemented new options for PicoDst covariance matrix write controls;
    StEpdHitMaker.cxx - updated Make()to returns kStErr if any of the following are missing/null: StTriggerData, StEpdDbMaker, StEvent ;
    StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx - changed return type in StPicoEvent;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified for new picoDst format;
    StPicoUtilities.h - added new file;
    StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoBbcHit.cxx, StPicoBbcHit.h, StPicoCommon.cxx, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEpdHit.cxx, StPicoEpdHit.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoFmsHit.cxx, StPicoFmsHit.h, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h - modified to adjust with new picoDst format;
    PhysicalConstants.h, StPicoDstLinkDef.h, StPicoDstReader.cxx, StPicoDstReader.h, StPicoHelix.cxx, StPicoHelix.h, StPicoMessMgr.h, StPicoPhysicalHelix.cxx, StPicoPhysicalHelix.h, StPicoTrackCovMatrix.cxx, StPicoTrackCovMatrix.h, SystemOfUnits.h - added new files to produce new picoDst format;

  • July 29, 2018
    new library SL18f tagged as SL18f has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platform;
    default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on August 1 .

    Main features:

    - first release of eTOF software;
    - further iTPC code integration and updates;
    - updated EPD geometry and event-plane information holder;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StHistUtil.cxx - cosmetic's changes: inverse test conditions to skip loop iterations;
    StETofGeometry.cxx, StETofGeometry.h, StETofHardwareMap.cxx, StETofHardwareMap.h, StETofMessageFormat.cxx, StETofMessageFormat.h - first revision of eTOF software;
    StETofHardwareMap.h, StETofHardwareMap.cxx - updated to compiled in 64bit mode;
    StETofDigiMaker.cxx, StETofDigiMaker.h - first revision of eTOF code; updated to compile in 64bit mode;
    StETofQAMaker.cxx, StETofQAMaker.h - first revision of eTOF code;
    StEpdEpFinder.cxx, StEpdEpFinder.h, StEpdEpInfo.cxx, StEpdEpInfo.h - added event-plane finding chass StEpdEpFinder and event-plane information-holder class StEpdEpInfo;
    StETofCollection.h, StETofDigi.h, StETofHeader.h, StETofHit.h, StETofCollection.cxx, StETofDigi.cxx, StETofHeader.cxx, StETofHit.cxx - added new codes for eTOF detector;
    StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h - modified to add eTOF detector;
    StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h - added eTOF hook;
    StETofDigi.h, StETofHit.h - added getter function for the associated hit;
    StETofHeader.cxx - updated to compile in 64bit mode;
    StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - removed unused variables;
    StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - removed unused variables;
    StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - cosmitic changes in white space;
    StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - cosmitic changes in white space;
    removed unused variables and functions of questionable value; minor rework of inactive volumes;
    modified to overload ostream operator<< for StiLayer;
    added a flag to force split individual Sti TPC layers;
    StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make number of Sti TPC layers to be always 12 ;
    introduced alias for long identifier: St_tpcPadConfigC& tpcPadCfg = *St_tpcPadConfigC::instance();
    modified to change the way how Sti TPC padrow IDs assigned to ordered layers; StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - modified to move StiLayer definition out of StiTpcDetectorBuilder;
    added a flag to force split individual Sti TPC layers;
    StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - removed unused variables;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx - cosmetic's changes: inverse test conditions to skip loop iterations;

    include/rts.h, iccp.h - updated;

    sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated EPD geometry and numbering;

    Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml - corrected ETOF partial installation configuration;
    EtofGeo0.xml - updated version of the ETOF, correcting sector numbering;
    Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmGeo0.xml - updated EPD geometry and numbering;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - updated to make y2018a geometry available to starsim;

  • July 5, 2018
    new library SL18e tagged as SL18e has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platform; default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on July 7.

    Main features:

    - further iTPC code integration and updates;
    - implemented new STGC detector in RTS DAQ_READER software ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    TF1Fitter.cxx - modified to use public accessor to access protected member (restorted ); added explicit type cast to match TF1 constru ctor signature in ROOT5 and 6 ;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added the "huge" option, allocating 80M words to the geant bank for simulation;
    added TPC Padrow 40 distortion correction ;
    updated chain options for year 2018, year 2019 geometry with iTPC ; added placeholder for ETof chains;
    StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h - fixed the MixerMakers technique for updating the BTofCollection-previously was not storing MC hits in some embedding cases;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - updated with year 2019 geometry development;
    GENERIC/CRC.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.cxx - added missing namespace OLDEVP;
    StMagUtilities.cxx - updated UndoPadRow13Distortion() in order to move #define's inside the function as const Int_t's;
    modified for simpler way to address calculation of data arrays for wrong sign of the voltages;
    StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - introduced padrow 40 correction for iTPC GridLeak Wall, reduce includes dependencies;
    StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - added Explicit include for TMath ;
    StTpcCoordinateTransform.cc - the number of T0 constants increased from 24 to 48 to accommodate inner iTPC sectors. The sector index is updated according to the requested sector/row;
    updated to avoid modifying the input TPC sector ID [1, 24] inside of 'StTpcCoordinateTransform::zFromTB()'. The input sector ID should be passed to 'StTpcDb:riftVelocity(sector)' unmodified;
    St_tpcHighVoltagesC.h - added access to new GridLeak Wall fields;
    StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2018.cxx, StTriggerData2018.h - added functions: epdNHits, vpdADCSum, vpdMeanTimeDifference ;
    EveDis.C, StEventHelper.cxx, StEventHelper.h, StRedoTracks.cxx, StuDraw3DEvent.cxx, StuDraw3DEvent.h, StuFixTopoMap.cxx, StuFtpcRefMul t.hh, StuPostScript.cc, StuRefMult.hh - updated for iTPC integration;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx - fixed not dumping last detector Id to dump file;
    StMagFMaker.cxx - updated for iTPC integration;
    COMMON/StMuFmsUtil.h - modified to move fillFmsHits to public;
    StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - updated to include TSystem.h and TROOT.h ;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - updated to justify class member with magnetic field ;
    StPmdMapUtil.h - fixed typo in header include guards;
    StSvtHitMaker.cxx - updated to include of TROOT.h ;
    StTpcDb.h - removed unnecessary dependence on StMagUtilities.h ;
    StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced padrow 40 correction for iTPC GridLeak Wall, reduce includes dependencies;
    StTpcHitMaker.cxx - updated to set TPC row number for legacy TPC DAQ records;
    StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added Explicit include for spaceChargeCor;
    StTrsMaker.cxx - fixed to make code compiled after iTPC integration;
    src/StTpcDbGeometry.cc, StTrsParameterizedAnalogSignalGenerator.cc - fixed to make code compiled after iTPC integration;
    StTrgDatReader.cxx - modified to fix run number problem when running with StFile list ;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to use the number of hits associated with the track;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - introduced EPD QA hosts;

    include/rtsLog.h - added iTPC;
    rtsSystems.h - updated to handle of more than 32 dets; added STGC detector;
    RC_Config.h, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated for STGC detector;
    iccp2k.h - updated to avoid unnecessary dependency;
    include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added bField in HLT_EVE ;
    src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - modified;
    src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h - fixed altro override;
    tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxGain.cxx, tpxPed.cxx - updated tweaks for STGC detector ;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h, itpcInterpreter.cxx - implemented first step of offline cluster finder; bug fixed;
    itpcCore.h, itpcCore.cxx - bug fixed; updated;
    itpcFCF.cxx - removed internal cuts;
    src/SFS/fs_index.cxx - added some logging;
    src/DAQ_READER/daq_det.cxx, daq_dta_structs.h - small addition;
    daqReader.h, daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx, daq_det.h - changes for more than 32 dets to add STGC detector;
    daqReader.h - updated to avoid unnecessary dependency;
    src/DAQ_STGC/Makefile, daq_stgc.cxx, daq_stgc.h, stgcPed.cxx, stgcPed.h - added new STGC detector;

    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added the ShldGeo to the y2018 series of geometries. The shielding in the tunnels is important in simulation to block numerous (100k) low E particles from splashing back into the CAVE when we generate hijing events (with wide open eta cuts), fixes for ticket #3346;

    Caibrations/tpc/TtpcSectorT0offset.20080623.000000.C - size increased;
    Geometry/tpc/TpcInnerSectorPosition.C - added and deactivated from MySql;
    tpcSectorT0offset.20080623.000000.C - increased size 24-48 for iTPC;
    idl/itpcPadGainT0.idl - added new iTPC pad gain t0 table;
    tpcHighVoltages.idl - TPC table updated;
    iTPCSurvey.idl, tpcRDOMap.idl, tpcRDOT0offset.idl - added new tables for iTPC ;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added histograms for fixed target;
    LaserReader.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h - updated;
    StOnlineDisplay/StSteeringModule.cxx - updated to include TSystem.h ;

  • May 8, 2018
    new library SL18d tagged as SL18d (on May 7) has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platforms;
    default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on May 10 .

    Main features:

    - first release of iTPC detector integration code;
    - picoDst code updated to include EPD info in picoDst format;
    - StarGenerator modules updated with changes necessary for HFT embedding production;
    - OnlTools eTOF and iTPC codes/plots updated for run 2018 ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StHistUtil.cxx - initial accomodation for iTPC;
    DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h - modified not to stack neutrinos for transport;
    modified to permit decays only where all final state particles are known to TDatabasePDG; it resolved an issue with different sources of particle information;
    EMBED/StarEmbedMaker.cxx, StarEmbedMaker.h - implemeted first working release of an embedding plugin for StarGenerator. This initial release provides capability to set the vertex and error for the fixed vertex finder based on input from the tags.root files;
    Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.cxx, StarPythia8.h, StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - modified to resolve the issue with differing definitions in the various particle data tables. If a particle has more mass in pythia8 than in hijing, then when it decays at rest, pythia8 will not be able to decay it. This results in the decayer code going into an infinite loop, trying to decay something that won't decay.
    Solution is the following: when a particle is decayed by pythia8 take as given the momentum of the particle, but recalculate the energy of the particle using the mass tabulated by pythia 8;
    Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - modified to resolve the issue with differing definitions in the various particle data tables. If a particle has more mass in pythia8 than in hijing, then when it decays at rest, pythia8 will not be able to decay it. This results in the decayer code going into an infinite loop, trying to decay something that won't decay.
    Solution is the following: when a particle is decayed by pythia8 take as given the momentum of the particle, but recalculate the energy of the particle using the mass tabulated by pythia 8;
    UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx - asigned G3 id = 4 to all neutrinos;
    Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx - added support for randomly sampling from a comma- or space-delimited list of particles;
    StarKinematics.h - updated documentation to reflect added option of particle list;
    StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - made optimization: move TVector3 to a member variable, rather than use (expensive) ctor/dtor on every particle ;
    StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - added option to throw flat in rapidity instead of pseudorapidity;
    StBFChain.cxx - eliminated usage of BTof libraries Geant-related libraries; by default the BTOF geometry is constructed from the TGeo geometry so there is no need to load the libraries referencing Geant code;
    introduced iTpcIT option;
    BigFullChain.h - upadted to load Geant-dependent libraries used by older ToF libraries;
    updated options for distortion smearing by calibration resolutions;
    added new option to deactivate iTpc hits; introduced iTpcIT option;
    added P2005c chain option and geometry ry2005g to process cucu 62GeV run 2005 data without SVT & SSD tracking;
    StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - updated to use cell-by-cell time resolution for FastSim;
    StBTofSimResParams.h - new file added to implement usage of cell-by-cell time resolution for FastSim;
    StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to make distortion smearing by calibration resolutions;
    StTpcCoordinateTransform.cc, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - extended interface to accept TPC sector + use padConfig;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - added access to new tpcCalibResolutions table; modified to use logger for print out;
    St_tpcCalibResolutionsC.h - new file created for tpcCalibResolutions table;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - extended interface in St_TpcAvgCurrentC returning channel ID; modified to make ChannelFromRow() accepts TPC sector ID in addition to padrow ID; updated to use updated St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC::ChannelFromRow(int, int) in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
    updated to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
    St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h - extended interface in St_TpcAvgCurrentC returning channel ID; modified to make ChannelFromRow() accepts TPC sector ID in addition to padrow ID; updated to use updated St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC::ChannelFromRow(int, int) in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
    St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h - updated to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
    St_tpcPadConfigC.h - added convenience method to identify iTPC padrows;
    StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - extended interface in St_TpcAvgCurrentC returning channel ID; modified to make ChannelFromRow() accepts TPC sector ID in addition to padrow ID; updated to use updated St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC::ChannelFromRow(int, int) in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
    StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to provide access TPC params via St_tpcPadConfig instead of StTpcDb;
    StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h, StEpdGeom.h - updated for finishing methods that return overlapping EPD and BBC tile IDs;
    StEpdGeom.h - added simple class StEpdEvp which offers BASIC event plane determination using the EPD;
    StEpdEvp.h, StEpdEvp.cxx - new files: added simple class StEpdEvp which offers BASIC event plane determination using the EPD;
    StMtdHit.h - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions;
    StMwcTriggerDetector.cxx - reverted removal of StMwcTriggerDetector constructor which was removed on 2009-11-23 leaving the declaration behind in the corresponding header file. However, this constructor is used in existing StTriggerDetectorCollection();
    StEnumerations.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StTpcHit.h - introduced kiTpcId ; cosmetics changes;
    StTrackTopologyMap.cxx, StTrackTopologyMap.h - iTPC modifications, plus proper use of booleans ;
    StuFixTopoMap.cxx - introduced iTPC;
    StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - updated to turn off excessive output from StFmsEventClusterer;
    StFtpcConfMapper.hh - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions ;
    StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h - added option for user to specify the uncertainties on the vertex; useful in embedding jobs in order to get the track association with primary vertex correct;
    StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx - added access to new table istSimPar;
    StIstDbMaker.cxx - added print-out information for loaded tables;
    StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx, StIstSlowSimMaker.h -added the single hit efficiency loaded from istSimPar;
    StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx - updated to avoid (rare) edge effect, which caused infinite loop; fixed the issue with hits off of the pad;
    StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h - added new method StikalmanTrack::getInnerMostDetHitNode(); should be used in StiCA to replace getInnerMostTPCHitNode(); added legal(...) method to check acception of hit;
    modified to replace thrown exceptions with runtime asserts; cosmetic style changes;
    StiDetectorContainer.cxx - modified to take into account that Sti detectors are not guaranteed to be arranged consecutively: with the addition of iTPC channels in TPC sector 20 the order in which Sti layers can be arranged by (padrow, sector) is not symmetric anymore ;
    StiDetector.cxx - added member value to printed info ;
    StiDetector.h - cosmetic changes;
    StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx, StiHitLoader.h, StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - modified to use logger for print out;
    StiHitContainer.cxx - cosmetic changes;
    StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - cosmtic changes;
    StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to convert assert to warning: |mJoinPars.hz() - mTargetHz| <= 1e-10 ; The assert was checking the magnetic field in the updated Sti node during the refit. With the addition of iTPC layers some CA provided tracks do not look healthy with nodes coming from unrelated sectors; cosmetic style changes;
    Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use logger for print out;
    StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
    added new method StikalmanTrack::getInnerMostDetHitNode() to use it in StiCA to replace getInnerMostTPCHitNode();
    modified to skip hits from inactive Sti layers;
    StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker,h - added new option to deactivate iTpc hits; minor cosmetics corrections;
    StiStEventFiller.cxx - cosmetic style changes;
    StiTpcHitLoader.cxx, StiTpcHitLoader.h - modified to exclude iTPC hits until a switch is implemented ;
    modified to reject hits coming from iTPC padrows when requested by user, by default iTPC hits will be used by Sti along with the regular TPC hits; with this modification we provided the functionality to exclude iTPC hits from track reconstruction;
    partially reverted rejection of hits coming from iTPC padrows ;
    StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - modified to load TPC hits by using new access to Sti detectors; removed iTpc hits guard; some cosmetics code improvements;
    StiTpcDetectorGroup.cxx, StiTpcDetectorGroup.h - modified to reject hits coming from iTPC padrows when requested by user;
    by default iTPC hits will be used by Sti along with the regular TPC hits; with this modification we provided the functionality to exclude iTPC hits from track reconstruction;
    updated to allow activation of iTPC layers in TPC detector builder; by default the iTPC layers are inactive;
    StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - updated to allow activation of iTPC layers in TPC detector builder; by default the iTPC layers are inactive; added private support methods constructTpcPadrowShape() and constructTpcPadrowDetector(); localized variables to function where they are used; build individual Sti shape for every TPC layer; added support functionality to map TPC to Sti sectors and padrows;
    StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - mofified to convert signature to accept StiLayer; activated proper halves of TPC Sti layers;
    StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use sti-to-tpc layer map to replace nested loops; convert signature to accept StiLayer;
    modified to use St_tpcPadConfigC in place of St_tpcPadPlanesC, this essential makes the code aware of iTPC sectors;
    activated proper halves of TPC Sti layers; sdjusted layer length and position for Sti layers representing halves of TPC;
    disabled manually reserving space for StiDetector containers; disabled Sti detectors for iTPC sector/padrows;
    LaserEvent.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
    StMcEmcHitCollection.hh, StMcEvent.hh, StMcHitIter.h, StMcMtdHit.hh, StMcTrack.hh - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions;
    COMMON/StMuDstMaker.h - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions;
    StMtdGeometry.cxx - fixed the bug of converting projected localy to cellId;
    StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to make distortion smearing by calibration resolutions; cosmetic changes;
    StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
    StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - changed hardware Id for hits originated in iTpc padrow rather than iTpc sector;
    updated to use different DAQ readers when reading TPC data: selecting one reader type is not enough in the iTPC era cause the outter and inner sectors may have different formats;
    StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
    StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx - changed location of include;
    StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h - modified that EPD and BBC realized as a functions and moved inside the StPicoDstMaker; StPicoArrays and StPicoDst classes are moved to ../StPicoEvent; StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h - removed;
    StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h - StPicoArrays and StPicoDst classes are moved to ../StPicoEvent ;
    modified StPicoBbcTile and StPicoEpdTile that changed to StPicoBbcHit and StPicoEpdHitm, also logic of storing 2 closest towers in StBEmcPidTraits was changed; StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - modified to change the function used to read QT information for 2017 and beyond;
    StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added access to new table pxlSimPar;
    StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added print-out information to check loaded tables;
    StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx, StPxlDigmapsSim.h - added the single hit efficiency loaded from pxlSimPar table;
    StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - updated to reduce excessive output;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to setup support for 3 planes of Si tracking; modified to get the hit count right for FTS; re-enabled the FTSA (fts "active") volume;
    TpcHitUtilities.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
    QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - updated list for QA;
    QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx - updated for iTPC accomodation;
    StMultiH1F.cxx, StMultiH1F.h - updated to override Write() to save sub histograms in StMultiH1F;

    EventTracker/gl3Event.cxx - updated ;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h - tweeks to iTPC; bugs fixed;
    itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h - bugs fixed; added fee_count;
    itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, daq_itpc.cxx - made many changes for version 1;
    itpcPed.cxx, itpcPed.h - tweak for pulser run; updated;
    src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - updated;
    src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - updated to extend some structures;

    pams/ sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Lambda_c with G3 id of 208;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.dev2019.C, tpcDriftVelocity.C, tpcElectronics.dev2019.C, tpcPadGainT0B.20180301.000000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.y2018.C - added new local DB files for iTPC;
    Geometry/ist/istLadderOnIstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, ist LadderOnIstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20160101.000001.C - added misalignment tables for IST dead materials;
    Geometry/pxl/pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20131210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20140101.000000.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20141210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20150101.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20151210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20160101.000001.C - added misalignment tables for PXL dead materials;
    Geometry/sst/sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20160101.000001.C - added misalignment tables for SST dead materials;
    idl/tpcCalibResolutions.idl - added new TPC table;
    tpcSectorT0offset.idl - extended T0 calibration to inner (iTPC) sectors. This is done to accomodate different numbers for inner (new iTPC) and outter TPC sectors;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx - updated to move some histograms to corresponding trigger protected area;
    itpcBuilder.cxx, itpcBuilder.h - modified to include clusters, and latest event; added cluster histograms;
    etofBuilder.cxx - added reset on startrun; changed style of etof plots for better visibility, added etof to title; changed maximum range of eTof_nHits plot to 250;
    fixed the number of messages to read in & added new hitMap ;
    etofBuilder.h, etofBuilder.cxx - added more histograms for monitoring fine and coarse time, correlation eTof vs. bTof and hitmaps per MRPC;
    l3Builder.cxx - updated ;
    JevpServer.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.cxx - updated;
    DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, JLatex.cxx, JLatex.h, JevpPlot.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.cxx - updated for run 2018;
    Jevp/JevpEdit/JevpEdit.java - updated;

  • April 13, 2018
    library SL18c has been updated with picoDst code, rebuilt and retagged with tag SL18c_1 .

    Next codes have been updated:

    StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx;
    StPicoFmsFiller.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx;
    StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h - removed

  • March 15, 2018
    new library SL18c tagged as SL18c has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platform;
    default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on March 17 .

    Main features:

    - first revision of y2018a production geometry for run 2018;
    - StFmsPointMaker and StFmsClusterFitter implemented new shower shape with 6 z slices
    - StEpdUtil added geometry class for BBC inner tiles;
    - OnlTools implemented online plots for eTOF detector;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    BigFullChain.h - added basic chain for run 2018;
    StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use TGeo initializer for BTof geometry;
    StBTofGeometry.h - removed declared but undefined function;
    StdEdxModel.h - removed declared but undefined function;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - added support for y2018a geometry;
    StEpdHitMaker.cxx - updated do not make StEpdHit objects if ADC is zero;
    StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h - added geometry class for BBC inner tiles; added PMT-to-tile mapping; corrected reverse mapping of PMTs to tiles;
    StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - modified to speedup EPD geometry class;
    StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h, StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - added methods to return a list of BBC tiles that averlap with an EPD tile;
    StEventHelper.h, StEventHitIter.cxx, StEventHitIter.h - removed declared but undefined function;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx - removed inline keyword from source file; bug fixed;
    StFmsDbMaker.h - removed declared but undefined function;
    StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - introduced 2 options, mVertexZ(0) , mShowerShapeWithAngle(1); default for mShowerShapeWithAngle =1 to implement the 6 slice shower shape with wider shower shape; mShowerShapeWithAngle=0 for single slice model;
    added initialization of mObjectCount and mMaxEnergySum;
    StFmsClusterFinder.cxx - modified due to implementaion of new 6 slices shower shape;
    StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h - different shower shape version is provided; modified to use fixed 1 & 2 photon energy in fitting;
    StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - updated with different shower shape; modified to enable 2nd fit for 2 photon in 1 cluster;
    StiPPVertex/BtofHitList.cxx - updated to use TGeo initializer for BTof geometry;
    StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - changed minimum QT tac cut for 2017 run;
    StiMaker.h - removed declared but undefined function;
    StJanEventMaker/JanEventReader.h - fixed operator!= not defined for ifstream;

    src/DAQ_ETOF/Makefile, daq_etof.cxx - added checkpoint;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, itpcPed.h, itpc_rowlen.h - bug fixes;
    itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h - added new files for FCF ;
    daq_itpc.cxx - modified to add FCF;
    itpcPed.h, itpc_rowlen.h - bug fixed;
    src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - bug fixed;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added FCF;

    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added y2018a geometry tag;
    Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmGeo.xml - fixed issue with hits declaration; OPTS=C sets a 'calorimeter' hit, which does not track the complete idtruth history of the hit;
    Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmGeo0.xml - fixed issue with hits declaration; OPTS=C sets a 'calorimeter' hit, which does not track the complete idtruth history of the hit;

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018a.C - added support for for y2018a geometry;
    Calibrations/tpc/TpcAvgCurrent.y2018.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2018.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2019.C, TpcRowQ.y2018.C, TpcSecRowB.y2018.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2018.C, tpcElectronics.y2019.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2018.C - added calibrations files for iTPC;
    idl/istSimPar.idl, pxlSimPar.idl - added new tables;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/itpcBuilder.cxx - updated to change conditions for hot channels row 28;
    itpcBuilder.h, itpcBuilder.cxx - added plots per event;
    tofBuilder.cxx - updated VPD channel map for run18;
    etofBuilder.cxx, etofBuilder.h, etofMessageFormat.cxx, etofMessageFormat.h - new files for eTOF online plots;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated for run 2018;

  • February 27, 2018
    new library SL18b has been tagged as SL18b and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platforms;
    default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5, on SL6.4 gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on March 2 .

    Main features:

    - StEvent updated with EPD hits collection;
    - first revision of StEpdHitMaker and StEpdUtil makers;
    - added EPD data for StMuDSTMaker format;
    - StBTofGeometry implemented new method to construct StBTofGeometry from the TGeo detector description;
    - StPicoDstMaker modified to store all BEMC towers: id, ADC and energy;
    - added y2019 rough cut geometry ;
    - added iTPC geometry and constants for y2018 and y2019 overall geometry;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - Zr96, Ru96 added to menu; modified to allow geant to decay particles by default;
    Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.h - added option to read in cmnd file;
    BigFullChain.h - added 'epdHit' option;
    StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.cxx - implemented new method to construct StBTofGeometry from the TGeo detector description; updated to form TGeo paths for trays and modules ;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to integrate y2019 geometry (full eTOF);
    St_itpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcPadConfigC.h - added new files for iTPC;
    StEpdHitMaker.cxx, StEpdHitMaker.h - first revision of EPD hits maker;
    StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - first revision, utility area for EPD; StEpdGeom class provides geometry info for each tile;
    implemented inline functions IsWest and IsEast;
    StEpdCollection.cxx, StEpdCollection.h, StEpdHit.cxx, StEpdHit.h - added new files for EPD hits collection;
    StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h - modified for new EPD classes;
    StTpcRawData.cxx - updated to include iTPC;
    StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2018.cxx, StTriggerData2018.h - updated for run 2018 ;
    StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx - modified to build StBTofGeometry from TGeo geometry when available;
    StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - updated;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - updated for faster reading DB table;
    StFmsHitMaker.cxx - modified to clean up DB aceess for run# and event# for daq/StEvent/Mudst file reading;
    StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - updates for run 2018, more histograms;
    StMuDSTMakerLinkDef.h - added EPD type;
    COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h - added EPD type;
    StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - added EPD array;
    StMuEpdHitCollection.h, StMuEpdHit.h, StMuEpdUtil.h, StMuEpdHitCollection.cxx StMuEpdHit.cxx StMuEpdUtil.cxx - added new files for EPD MuDst format;
    StMuTypes.hh - added EPD type:
    StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h - added EPD support and fixed long standing bug in SetStatus;
    StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - restored pre-pass settings for old data;
    StPeCMaker.cxx - initialized BTOF geometry using proper interface;
    StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h - updated to store all BEMC towers (id, ADC, Energy); BUG fix: in case of the BEMC matched track we store the correct tower indices for the 2 highest and closest towers; the TpcVpdVzDiffCut default value is set to be 6cm; minore style updates;
    StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoBbcTile.cxx, StPicoBbcTile.h, StPicoCommon.cxx, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEpdTile.cxx, StPicoEpdTile.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoFmsHit.cxx, StPicoFmsHit.h, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoUtilities.h - updated style; modified to update classes with copy constructors ;
    St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx - modified for year 2017;
    StTofCalibMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
    StTofHitMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
    StTofMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
    StTofSimMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
    StTofrGeometry.cxx, StTofrGeometry.h - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
    StTofpMatchMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
    StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;

    include/rtsSystems.h - updated;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx - fixed bug with sector;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/daqFileMerger.C - added new file;

    geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo5.g - added iTPC geometry;
    sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified to reduce unneeded output; updated g2t volume ID for EPD;

    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - corrected MTD geometry description in 2018 first cut and experimental geometries; added y2019 rough cut geometry;
    Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml, EtofGeo0.xml - added y2019 rough cut geometry; added full installation option as default connected to y2019; y2018 still uses only one single sector;
    EtofGeo0.xml - extended hit scoring in eTOF ;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - modified to integrate y2019 geometry (full eTOF);

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2019.C - added new file to integrate y2019 geometry (full eTOF);
    AgiGeometry/Geometry.y2018.C, Geometry.y2019.C, HALL.y2018.root, HALL.y2019.root, y2018.h, y2019.h - added iTPC branch;
    Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.y2019.C - added new file for iTPC ;
    TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C - modified;
    tpcDriftVelocity.20180223.165758.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180223.170356.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180223.222119.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180224.030742.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180224.163131.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180224.204912.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.013145.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.050346.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.053037.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.085554.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.131406.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.171556.C - added new calibrations files for run 2018;
    Geometry/tpc/itpcPadPlanes.C, tpcPadConfig.C, tpcPadConfig.y2018.C, tpcPadConfig.y2019.C - added iTPC geometry constants;
    idl/fmsBitShiftGainB.idl, fmsGainB.idl, fmsGainCorrectionB.idl - added new non-indexed versions of FMS tables for performance;
    itpcPadPlanes.idl, tpcPadConfig.idl - added new files for iTPC;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - added vz and vz_Vpdvz plots;
    itpcBuilder.h, itpcBuilder.cxx - updated plots for TPC to iTPC overall ;
    trgBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h - added QT timing in trgBuilder;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/ JevpServer.cxx - added QT timing in trgBuilder;

  • January 18, 2018
    new library SL18a tagged as SL18a has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL7.3 platform;
    default compiler on SL7.3 is gcc 4.8.5 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on January 23 .

    Main features:

    - implemented y2018x geometry for run 2018 ;
    - created final verison of EPD geometry for run 2018;
    - FPD geometry updated to integrate FMS postshower; added FMS postshower hits interface to C++ ;
    - StarVMC/Geometry all codes modified to move responsibility to set SIMU flag to detector's Config files;
    - daq ITPC new codes committed, working revision;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Simulation/starsim/rebank/aslgetba.age, aslsetba.age - modified to make compiler smater after two last upgrades and avoid loops optimization problem inside of the AgSTAR/zebra interface;

    StAssociationMaker.cxx - updated for better counting of MC track common hits;
    TF1Fitter.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.cxx - updated ;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - y2018x geometry model defined ;
    St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to skip wrong file name correction;
    StTofGeometry.cxx - updated to Get rid of unsupported xdf and outdated ctf tables;
    StEpdDbMaker.cxx, StEpdDbMaker.h - updated wire 1 ID, postion index(PP) starts from 0 and included tile 0;
    StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - updated for FPost ;
    StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - modified to merge timedep gain;
    StFmsPointMaker.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsConstant.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search ;
    StiDetectorBuilder.h, StiDetectorContainer.h, StiFilter.h, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.h - removed declared but undefined functions;
    StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - removed inline attribute to match the declaration; modified to let compiler decide whether to inline or not;
    StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - modified to save Sti geometry (via TVolume) in StiMaker lib rather than Sti;
    StiMaker.cxx - modified so that if no input file, provide default name; removed unused std::string;
    StiMaker.h - remove unused std::string;
    StKFVertexMaker.h - added missing include;
    StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx - cosmetics updates: modified do not use common name from std:: as local variable;
    StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - removed unused std: string;
    StiDetectorVolume.cxx, StiDetectorVolume.h - modified to save Sti geometry (via TVolume) in StiMaker lib rather than Sti;
    StiPullEvent.h - removed declared but undefined functions;
    StIstClusterMaker.cxx, StIstIClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstIClusterAlgo.h, StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstScanClusterAlgo.h, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.h - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    StIstHitMaker.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    StIstCluster.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - added FMS postshower hits interface to C++ ; updated sensitive volume names for interface to C++ ;
    StMiniMcPair.h, StTinyMcTrack.h, StTinyRcTrack.h - modified to move idTruths and keys from short to int;
    StMiniMcMaker.cxx, dominatrackInfo.cc - modified to move idTruths and keys from short to int;
    COMMON/StMuFgtCluster.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.h - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
    StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - updated to remove explicit reference to a database;
    removed direct query to STAR database server in InitRun(int), users need to make sure that the trigger simulator retrieves correct run number ;

    include/rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h - added ITPC_ID;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcCore.cxx - updated for ITPC ;
    itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, itpcPed.cxx, itpcPed.h - added new files for ITPC;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - updated for ITPC;
    src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx - updated for run 2018;

    sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated EPD volume id ;
    g2t_fpd.F, g2t_volume_id.g - added FMS postshower hits interface to C++ ;
    g2t_epd.F - updated sensitive volume names for g2t_epd.F;

    mgr/Dyson/Export/AgROOT.py - new runtime feature added to AgML;

    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - retired EPD test tags; implemented EPD in y2018 series geometry model; implemented experimental TPC geometry (radial segmentation of gas, hermetic, support for iTPC) in y2018x; responsability to set SIMU flag moved to Config files;
    Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmConfig.xml, BbcmGeo.xml - updated for run 2018: large BBC tiles are removed and the BBC is moved to a new z-position; BBC mother volume thickness is reduced, to avoid overlap with EPD, but radius remains unchanged;
    Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/CalbGeo/CalbConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    changed cave to the *default* SIMU=2 secondary following flag ;
    Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmConfig.xml, EpdmGeo0.xml - updated version of the EPD geometry, more accurate description of the tile geometry, including thin and thick sections of each tile;
    EpdmGeo0.xml - updated final version of EPD geometry; corrected dz=0 for tiles in last revision; updated Z position to +/-374cm ;
    Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmConfig.xml, FpdmGeo4.xml - updated to integrate the FMS postshower;
    Geometry/FtpcGeo/FtpcConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/FtroGeo/FtroConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    changed idsm to the *default* SIMU=2 secondary following flag ;
    Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/QuadGeo/QuadConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    changed pipe to the *default* SIMU=2 secondary following flag ;
    Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubConfig.xml, PixlConfig.xml, PsupConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/PhmdGeo/PhmdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/SconGeo/SconConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/ShldGeo/ShldConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/SvttGeo/SvttConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/SupoGeo/SupoConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml, TpceGeo5.xml - added experimental TPC geometry with hermetic segmentation of TPC gas volume;
    explicitly set SIMU=2 in test configuration ;
    Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/UpstGeo/UpstConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - EPD test tags deprecated; y2018x geometry defined ;
    modified to defind the volume where secondares are saved prior to executing the modules ;

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018x.C - added y2018x geometry;
    idl/tofSimResParams.idl - added new TOF table;
    epdFEEMap.idl, epdGain.idl, epdQTMap.idl, epdStatus.idl - added new EPD tables;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fcsBuilder.cxx, fcsBuilder.h, JevpBuilder.cxx -updated for run 2018;

Lidia Didenko