Data-MC comparison: Zgg

Data Cuts:
L2Gamma Triggered Events
BBC timebin 6 - 9
Pt > 5.2
No Charged Track Association
1 SMD strip good in each plane
Single Photon Energy > .1 GeV

MC Cuts:
|Z vtx| < 70 cm
No Charged Tracks
1 SMD strip good in each plane
Single Photon Energy > .1 GeV


This is a plot of Zgg for data split into my four Pt bins (5.25; 6.75; 8.25; 10.5; 16}
I would usually make a cut at .8, but I wanted to look at the whole spectrum.
Note that as you go lower in Pt (closer to trigger threshold) the plots become more biased toward high
Zgg.  From what I understand the 'true' distribution should be uniform from zero to 1 but we expect our
measured distribution to be weighted toward high Zgg.

Monte Carlo

The above plot shows Zgg for each of the four Pt bins for Monte Carlo.  The cuts are stated at the top.  These plots are confusing
for two reasons.  First they don't match the data (see below.)  Second, the weighting trend is completely reversed from the data.
Again, I am not sure why this would be, and which of the two is expected.  I have to do more work on this front.


Keeping with the theme of the MC not matching the data...

This is Zgg for all four Pt bins combined.  The data is in black and the MC is in red.  I normalized 'by eye' to the region between .6 and .8 because it seemed like the larges area where the slopes are similar.  I'm not quite sure what to make of this inconsistency.  For some reason the MC isn't biased enough in favor of high Zgg (or triggered data is too much so.)  I'm not sure if this has to do with the trigger requirements or with my cuts (or with something else I don't understand.)  I will put a bin by bin comparison up as soon as I get it done.