Timing Scans for the Endcap: Take 0



Data were taken on December 3, 2007 with various timings for the endcap.  The relevant runs are 8337070-77.  According to the elog for that day the timings are:


Run Timing
8337070 23
8337071 19
8337072 21
8337073 22
8337074 20
8337075 20
8337076 24
8337077 18









Note that runs 8337074/75 are repeats and that run 8337072 corresponds to the nominal timing.


The code for producing the plots can be found in cvs:


Simply follow the instructions in HOWTO, making sure to run the appropriate code depending on if you are running over MuDsts (runEEmcTiming.C) or l2 timing files (runEEmcL2Timing.C)



The figure below shows the timing scans for each crate.  Attached are scans for each individual crate, in pdf format.


I consulted with Jason, who wrote the code and is the expert.  He had this to say:

"It looks to me like they took this timing scan either well outside the plateau region, or well inside the plateau region. Probably the latter, since 25-30% of events are showing up w/in the window.  Yeah, I guess it looks right."