P07ib embedding scheme test

I ran a test set for embedding in P07ib with pi-, ~1.4k events.
  • Jobs finished successfully
  • MiniMc was generated (new feature as of Friday)
  • Reco finished, and matched tracks were found.
  • Pibero has also run on another set, his plots look good; Pt and Eta show no MC pt or Eta bias (within statistics)
MC Input:

Track distribution:
Monte CarloReconstructed


Momentum Reconstruction:


Resolution seems to be minimum 1.7% at ~1GeV/c. This seems high, but may be a function of cuts. Current cut set: |eta|<1, mNCommonHits>10. Real test comes with Olga's QA results.
File location: /star/institution/lbl/andrewar/embeddingTest/out-9-17-07