W-algo at mid-rapidity, bits & pieces
Updated on Sun, 2008-12-07 09:31. Originally created by balewski on 2008-11-24 08:42.
Development and vetting of mid rapidity W-reco algo for 2009 run
updated: 11-24-08, changes 12-5-08
A) Event samples (phase 2 in green):
- single particle events
- distribution: eta range [-1.2,1.2], zVertex Gauss(0,30cm), cutOff at |Z|<60cm,
- geom=y2008
- 4k events per job, total 100k events (1e6 events)
- particles: muon, pi-, pi0,proton,electron
- fixed pT of: 10,20,30,40,50 GeV
- custom BFC:
- chain="trs -ssd y2008 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk -McEvOut clearmem VFPPVnoCTB eemcDb beamLine"
- no pedestals, 100% working detector (ideal status tables)
- private EmcSimulator with SF should result with :
- BTOW: electron ET=60 GeV --> ADC=4096, uses default barrel SF of 5%
- BPRS: MIP (muon) --< ADC ~30, uses SF=1 and no eta dependence
- BSMDE,P: electron ET=40 GeV --> peak strip ADC~700 , uses SF=1 and no eta dependence
- NO private vertex finder
- use only scheduler, store output files on data05/ (other permanent disk TBD)
- Pythia events
- vertex distribution zVertex Gauss(0,30cm), cutOff at |Z|<60cm,
- offset vertex transversely by few mm (need special flavor for beam line in BFC!)
- custom BFC as for single particles
- type of events:
- QCD background physics events use/modify this kumac inspected by Jim
- 4 samples with partonic pT [5-10], [10-20], [20-30], 30-40] GeV
- W-events: kumac ,
- QCD background physics events use/modify this kumac inspected by Jim
- produce 10k W-events and 100k QCD-backg events, 1k events per job, phase 2 100k &1M events, respectively
- use scheduler & disk as above
B) Key elements of the W-reco algo, prioritized order
- assure there is a 2x2 BEMC tower cluster above ET=15 GeV (serves as trigger surrogate)
- identify high PT reco primary track
- assure this track matches 2x2 tower cluster with some margin, no ET to PT matching
- transverse & longitudinal EM shower, assume continuous detector for eta[-1,1], phi=2pi:
- SMD-E, unpack events in to array [301x60] in eta*phi bins , keep parallel array of dead strips, mark column 151 dead
- SMD-P, unpack events in to array [20x960] in eta*phi bins, mark dead rows 16,31,....,960 (between modules)
- PRS and BTOW, unpack in to array [40x120] in eta*phi, mark dead towers independently in both layers
- algo must make reasonable decision if limited # of elements in vicinity of high pT track are dead, or discard event
- isolation cuts around high pT track:
- analyze BTOW, BPRS,BSMD energy, hit pattern over variable size square centered on the high pT track
- run official jet finder
- match one of the jets to high pT vetted track , develop match criteria, if no match discard event - this will be extension of isolation cut
- develop criteria of missing ET cut using away side jet(s) from the jet finder, decide how to handle 3-jet events
C) Evaluation technique
- all reco code runs only on muDst. geant.root file is not used nr needs to be present on the disk.
- demonstrate W-algo runs on 2008 real-data st_physics runs ( filter barrel trigger(s), run on all ~500 runs) , use ongoing production of st_physics events
- muDst can be found with mySql query: get_file_list.pl -keys 'path,filename' -cond 'production=P08ie,trgsetupname=ppProduction2008||ppProduction2008-2,filetype=daq_reco_MuDst,runnumber=9067013,filename~st_physics,storage=nfs' -onefile -limit 70
- post QA plots on designated web area from W-algo for full statistics of _all_ samples described in 1), 2), and 10 real runs, one PDF file per event type
- keep consistent record of status of execution of this plan in Drupal blog, possibly 3 times a week
- balewski's blog
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