M-C W prod request 2009, worksheet

We would like equivalent of LT=50/pb QCD Pythia events @ 500 GeV
* with Pythia filter set at 8 +16 GeV ET (cell+ pair of cells)
* BFC tower-only filter set to 8+16 GeV ET (tower +pair of towers)
* using 2009 geometry (once completed, TPX in)
* using transverse beam offset of few mm (TBD)
* using longitudinal beam sigma of 25 cm
* with TPC reco working over 24 sectors (now 2 are not functioning in M-C)
* with barrel simulator in 'test' mode which converts BPRS* BSMD geant energy deposit in to ADC using single constant
* with BPRS & BSMD DB tables (flavor)  which  is matched to 'test' simulator mode,  does not saturate,
   and has dynamic range appropriate for W-physics  (we know the constants  we want)


Plus: 1M of minB unfiltered events with the same geometry+beam params.
Those would be used for pileup study

Plus:   20K of the following partonic processes: ppWprod,..... ~8 kumacs from Joe