Mac tricks, histo in Excell


 I got valgrind on a macbook pro (oeit edition) using the following commands:

sudo port sync
sudo port install wget

gunzip valgrind-opensource-4.patch.gz

svn co -r8180 svn:// valgrind
svn update -r1854 valgrind/VEX
patch -p1 -d valgrind < valgrind-opensource-4.patch

cd valgrind
make # will fail but that's ok
ranlib VEX/libvex_x86_darwin.a # fix the 1st failure
make # keep going, will fail but that's ok
ranlib VEX/libvex_amd64_darwin.a # fix the 2nd failure
sudo make install

/usr/local/bin/valgrind --help

(more at

 Measure clock frequency:


cat /proc/cpuinfo


Open home directory for the group read:

chmod go+rx $HOME

 Unix version: cat /proc/version

I would try to print the canvas in landscape mode:

c1->Print("", "Landscape");

However, if you want to do it from ps2pdf, it looks like
you may be able to use:

ps2pdf -c -c "<</Orientation 3>> setpagedevice"

Find what shell is used:

[balewski@onl04 ~]$ echo $SHELL


Copy local copy of root to onlNN machine:

  1. scp -rp $ROOTSYS  newMachine_myDir
  2. add to .cshrc
  • setenv ROOTSYS /ldaphome/balewski/myRoot/
  • setenv PATH "${ROOTSYS}/bin:${PATH}"
  • setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${ROOTSYS}/lib"
Execute root.exe to check it works

 All about mounting disks

List mounted disks:

/usr/sbin/showmount -a
All mount points on

Check history of recent mounts in the log file:

grep mount /var/log


Check IP of machine:


From Hal:

1) I typed in the entries in g6->g12 by hand.

2) Click "Tools" -> "Data Analysis" -> "Histogram"
   You may need some math package for Excel to be installed, I cannot remember.  A box comes up.

3) Input range - first click in the box next to input range, then click on box c6 or d6, and then add/type ":c42" or ":d42" or whatever is the end of your list.

4) Bin range - first click in the box next to bin range, then click on g6, and then add/type ":g11" or ":g12".

5) Click "Output Range" and then click in the box next to output range, then click on where you want the graphic to be located, like h5, and finally add/type ":h12" or ":h13".

6) Click "Chart Output"

7) cross your fingers, and click "OK" 

Excell  histo example is in attachment A)