C tricks

---------- pass function name as argument to another function -------

typedef float (*func)(float);

float ff1(float x) { return x*x;}
float ff2(float x) { return x+x;}
void usef(float (*fp)(float ), float y) {
  float val=(fp)(y);
  printf(" yy=%f xx=%f\n",y,val);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  return 0;

Read ascii file, method 1 - read individual values

// constructing vectors
#include <iostream>
//#include <vector>
//using namespace std;

vector<int> runL; 

plPattern() {
  printf("main: runL len=%d\n", runL.size());

Lost this code....

Read ascii - method 2 - read lines and read values form a line


void readRunList(){
  int k=1;
  FILE *fd=fopen("sort1/runListBoil.txt","r"); assert(fd);
  while(1) {
    int runNo;
    int x;
    int ret= fscanf(fd,"%d %d",&runNo,&x);
    if(ret!=2) break;
    printf("%d %d \n",k, runNo);

Stand alone code using Minuit + Makefile --> Att. A)

 % nm.pl _ZTV17St_dst_bfc_status

this symbol is nowhere to be found other than in StTreeMaker
(undefined). This class has a reference to St_bfc_status as

Unpack  CVS array read from a text file:

  const int mx=30000;
  char buf[mx];
  while(true) {
    char * ret=fgets(buf,mx,fd);
    if(ret==0) return 0;
    if(buf[0]=='#') continue;
    char name0[mx];
    int ret1=sscanf(buf,"%s,",name0);
    printf("k=%d name0=%s=\n",k,name0);
    char *item=strtok(buf,","); // init 'strtok'
    int i=1;
    do {
      printf("i=%d, item=%s=\n",i++,item);
    } while (item=strtok(0,","));  // advance by one name

convert unix time --> string --> yyymmdd, hhmmss

int a(){
  time_t rawtime=1302361369-3600*0;
  struct tm * timeinfo;
  char buffer [80];
  timeinfo = gmtime ( &rawtime );

  strftime (buffer,80,"%k%M%S",timeinfo);
  puts (buffer);
  int hhmmss=atoi(buffer);
  strftime (buffer,80,"%G%m%d",timeinfo);
  puts (buffer);
  int yyyymmdd=atoi(buffer);
  printf("day=%d, hour=%d\n",yyyymmdd,hhmmss);

Read text to histo

$ cat macros/plDose.C
TH1F *hFl=0;
TH1F *hFly=0;

plDose() {

   //   gPad->SetLogy();
   // tt();

void tt() {
enum {mxFB=99 };
Float_t xBB[mxFB]={ 
1.0000e-05, 1.0970e-05, 1.2020e-05, 1.3180e-05, 1.4460e-05, 1.5850e-05, 1.7380e-05, 1.9060e-05, 2.0900e-05, 2.2920e-05, 
2.5130e-05, 2.7560e-05, 3.0220e-05, 3.3130e-05, 3.6330e-05, 3.9840e-05, 4.3690e-05, 4.7900e-05, 5.2530e-05, 5.7600e-05, 
6.3160e-05, 6.9260e-05, 7.5940e-05, 8.3270e-05, 9.1310e-05, 1.0010e-04, 1.0980e-04, 1.2040e-04, 1.3200e-04, 1.4480e-04, 
1.5870e-04, 1.7410e-04, 1.9090e-04, 2.0930e-04, 2.2950e-04, 2.5160e-04, 2.7590e-04, 3.0260e-04, 3.3180e-04, 3.6380e-04, 
3.9890e-04, 4.3740e-04, 4.7970e-04, 5.2600e-04, 5.7670e-04, 6.3240e-04, 6.9340e-04, 7.6040e-04, 8.3380e-04, 9.1430e-04, 
1.0030e-03, 1.0990e-03, 1.2050e-03, 1.3220e-03, 1.4490e-03, 1.5890e-03, 1.7430e-03, 1.9110e-03, 2.0950e-03, 2.2980e-03, 
2.5200e-03, 2.7630e-03, 3.0290e-03, 3.3220e-03, 3.6430e-03, 3.9940e-03, 4.3800e-03, 4.8030e-03, 5.2660e-03, 5.7750e-03, 
6.3320e-03, 6.9430e-03, 7.6140e-03, 8.3490e-03, 9.1540e-03, 1.0040e-02, 1.1010e-02, 1.2070e-02, 1.3230e-02, 1.4510e-02, 
1.5910e-02, 1.7450e-02, 1.9130e-02, 2.0980e-02, 2.3010e-02, 2.5230e-02, 2.7660e-02, 3.0330e-02, 3.3260e-02, 3.6470e-02, 
3.9990e-02, 4.3850e-02, 4.8090e-02, 5.2730e-02, 5.7820e-02, 6.3400e-02, 6.9520e-02, 7.6230e-02, 8.3590e-02  };
hFxx= new TH1F("hFxx","xx in Fluka bins; Photon energy (GeV)",mxFB-1,xBB);


void readFlukaHisto(){
  const int mx=30000;
  double xLow[mx],yA[mx], eyA[mx];
  int k=0;
  FILE *fd=fopen("../flukaDose.dat","r"); assert(fd);
  char buf[mx];
  float x1,x2,y,e;
  while(true) {
    char * ret=fgets(buf,mx,fd);
    if(ret==0) break; //return 0;
    if(buf[0]=='#') continue;
    int ret1=sscanf(buf,"%f %f %f %f ",&x1, &x2, &y, &e);
    //printf("k=%d x1=%f, y=%f\n",k,x1,y);
    //    return;
  int nb=k;

  hFl= new TH1F("hFlr","rate from Fluka; Photon energy (GeV)",nb,xLow);
  hFly= new TH1F("hFly","yield from errors  from Fluka; Photon energy (GeV)",nb,xLow);
  //TH1(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, const Float_t* xbins)

  // populate the histo
  for(int i=0;iSetBinContent(i+1,yA[i]);
    if( yA[i]>0 ) {
      double rerr=eyA[i]/yA[i];
      //double yield=1./sqrt(rerr);// * (xLow[k
      double yield=(xLow[i+1] - xLow[i]) * yA[i] *2.5e+6;
      //printf("k=%d rerr=%f\n",k,rerr);

  // dump array with x-axis

  //  double AA[3]={1,2,3};
  printf("enum {mxFB=%d };\n",nb);
  printf("Float_t xBB[mxFB]={ ");
  for(int i=0;i