BSMD QA, 2009 pp 500

  1.  Attachment 1: BMSDE , softID~2200 has very wide RMS , or is broken
  2. On day 87 (March 28) BSMD cr=8 had bad (or no) online pedestals and data are lost for soft ID=1-2250
  3. Stability of BSMD peds after 18 hours , based on run 10089023 using peds from run 10088051
  4. More of peds after 18 hours, same run
  5. Another day passed, now peds are ~36 hours old, no further changes of peds R100900089
  6. 300K VPD minB events, F10471, Example of BSMDP plane spectra, ZS data
  7. 300K VPD minB events, F10471, Example of BSMDE plane spectra, ZS data
  8.  Status of BSMD at the end of pp 500 run
  9. BSMD status on day 76 (1st day of pp 500 GeV)
  10. BSMD status on day 103 (last day of pp 500 GeV)

  11. Strange spikes in strip ADC spectum: left module 10 (good), right: module 14 (bad?). Details below plots

    *Input: all available events from fills 10399, 10402, 10403, 10404, 10407, 10412, 10415 added together  
    *Blue filled histo: NZS data captured on-line by Willie's daq reader 
     *Magenta line-only : ZS data from L2W triggered events
    *X-axis= ADC-onlinePed+100, note it is displayed in log, so pedestal region is enlarged and high energy range is compressed  
    *Problem: 2 satellite spikes on the right plot , shaper than pedestal, present in both ZS & NZS data in module 14
    Attachments 2 & 3 contain spectra from all strips from modules 10 & 14, respectively. There is 15 strips from eta plane per page alternated with 15 strips from phi plane from the same physical location.