data volume (strips)

 Number of strips fired per wafer and per side :

These 2 plots show the number of strips per wafer (summed over all the wafers) taken from the .daq file : it is the number of strips that the cluster finder used in 

order to reconstruct cluster.

It is based on Cu+Cu@200GeV data (2005) 

The first plot shows this distribution without any cut in the software (Fig1)

the second shows the same distribution by applying a cut : signal > 3*rms in the software to reflect the online DAQ cut. (Fig2)

We did this study with Vi Nham last year ; this cut is applied since in the software.

Fig 1 :

Fig 2 :

with the cut, we have :

<number of strips per wafer> = 4 (side P)

<number of strips per wafer> = 6 (side N)

The mean value comes from the histogram stats.

  • for AuAu data (run 7)

I used stardev library with bfc chain (300 events):


(The same used for the production of these data)

the file used is : /star/data03/daq/2007/105/8105010/st_physics_8105010_raw_1040021.daq

(April, 15th , Full field)

Fig 3 : for all wafers 

Fig 4 : ladder independently