EMCICs : Effect of resonances on non-id CF using a toy model

I. Description of the "problem"

When we studied an effect of resonance decay products on the shape of the correlation function for non-id pions  we found  a peak at low Q that we don't understand (see Figure 1). At the same time we don't see this peak  for events including      Kos     resonances only (see Figure 2).  The main difference between     Ko s  and both ω and ρ is that the first resonance has no width (that may be one possible origin of the peak at low Q).  It seems to me it doesn't matter whether a resonance decays on two or three particles since we have peaks for both     ω  and ρ  events.

Figure 1: +-) correlation functions calculated in the LCMS frame for events including ω (bluesquares) and ρ (redtriangles) resonances. Figure 2: +-) CF calculated in LCMS frame for events including Kos resonances.


Decay channels (of interest in this study)

Resonance (values in [MeV])
decay channel
ω (782, Γ=8.44) π+ π- π0 ~  89 %
ρ (770,Γ=150.2)
π π ~100 %
K0s (498) π+ π- ~  69 %








Here I will try to investigate this issue further whether it's just due to resonance decays or something else.

II. Attacking the problem

A. Let's start with "the most extreme case" : no width of resonances and no boost.

Expectations : can't be simpler than this.      Minv distribution for (π+-) should have just one peak due to resonances. However, even if three-body decay resonances have zero width, the width of the peak in Minv won't be zero.
If there is still a peak then at least we know it's not due to boosting or a bug in using B-W formula.

Figure 3: Minv distribution (No width of resonances, no boosting of decay products to lab frame).

Lab Frame LCMS Frame PR Frame
 Figure 4a: +-) correlation functions calculated in the Lab frame for events including ω,ρ and K0s  resonances.  Figure 4b: +-) correlation functions calculated in the LCMS frame for events including ω,ρ and K0s  resonances.  Figure 4c: +-) correlation functions calculated in the PR frame for events including ω,ρ and K0s  resonances.


B. No boost,  but resonces have widths (where applies)

a) box

Figure 5: Minv distribution ( box-type of width of resonances, no boosting of decay products to lab frame).

Lab Frame LCMS Frame PR Frame
 Figure 6a: +-) correlation functions calculated in the Lab frame for events including ω and ρ  resonances.  Figure 6b: +-) correlation functions calculated in the LCMS frame for events including ω and ρ  resonances.  Figure 6c: +-) correlation functions calculated in the PR frame for events including ω and ρ resonances.

b) B-W

c) weighted B-W

C. Boost , but no width

D. Boost and width

Minv Distribution
a) RHO

  No Boost With Boost
No Width
Box Width
BW Width
