PSU FMS photon reconstruction

 Penn State FMS (Run 8) Software for StRoot

version build12 (Aug 31 2009)


This version of the StRoot compatible psu software corrects a number of issues and includes

new versions of the original classes that support my recent development of alternate clustering algorithms.


The new features should not affect the old usages.


Also included is an event display application run by trying



root4star RunFmsEvDisplay2.C






version build7 




  • StFmsGeom class added (suggested by Pibero)
  • StFmsA2EMaker class added (suggested by Pibero)
  • Script FmsA2E.C to try StFmsA2EMaker
  • FilesSet moved to script
  • >root4star FmsA2E.C






version build6

changes from build5

  • Difference from build5 is the plugging of huge memory leaks with thoughtful deleting.
  • Static functions and static data for Minuit sorted out and initialized. 
  • Random number object used in global Minuit fit for starting points is now initialized only once.


Still no Energy dependent or run dependent correction applied.

Ongoing Energy dependence Study shown  here.



cd build6

root4star RunFmsSeePi0.C


This uses the included filelist  with ~30k events to produce pi0 mass distribution.

These are the distributions for mass and total FMS energy (Summed over 4 detectors)




 Files Used

