pT dependence of the isolation cut
Figure 1 -- Isolation ratio for single-thrown Monte Carlo events (black single gammas, red single photons) with realistic pT and vertex distributions. The three figures correspond to gammas and pi0's with 5<pT<6 GeV, 6<pT<8 GeV and 8<pT<12 GeV. The fit s to a double gaussian w/ constrained mean plus a constant and is only there to give some estimate of the resolution of the photon energy.
Figure 2 -- Rejection vs efficiency curves derived from the above figures.
The rejection power at a given efficiency does not degrade as fast vs pT as I would have expected. Next step is to feed this cut realistic (pythia) events and see what we get.
Figure 3 -- Isolation ratio for single-thrown Monte Carlo events (black single gammas, red single photons) with realistic pT and vertex distributions. The three figures correspond to gammas and pi0's which reconstruct within eta bins 1-4, 6-8, and 9-12 respectively.
Figure 4 -- Rejection vs efficiency for the above isolation ratios.
Well... somewhat unexpected, but energy resolution at large eta leaves alot to be desired... eta bins 5-8 seem to be pretty good. Perhaps 2 tower clusters would work reasonablywell at large eta and would improve upon the energy sharing situation.
Probably not surprising that we have problems at large eta. If we have issues w/ the leakage correction, this is where they should show up. Next try a different correction model.
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