Access spin pattern from CDEV database
0. Usage and Example Output
[onl04] ~/spin_pattern/> ./ --run=10054015
Polarization patterns:
+ = filled and positive
+ = filled and negative
o = unfilled and/or unpolarized
Yellow polarization pattern:
+ o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o
- o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o + o + o - o - o o o o o o o o o
Blue polarization pattern:
+ o - o + o - o - o + o - o + o + o - o + o - o - o + o - o + o + o - o + o - o - o + o - o + o + o - o + o - o - o + o
- o + o + o - o + o - o - o + o - o + o + o - o + o - o - o + o - o + o + o - o + o - o - o + o - o + o o o o o o o o o
1. The script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Getopt::Long;
# run number, begin time, cdev data id, etc...
my $run_number = -1;
my $run_begin_time = -1;
my $cdev_begin_time = -1;
my $cdev_dataid = 9E9;
# hash table to store beam data
my %beam_data = ();
&GetOptions( "run=i" => \$run_number );
&usage if ( $run_number < 0 );
# Get the begin of run
# Get the first cdev record taken after the specified run. Issue
# a warning if its > 10 min later
get_cdev( $run_begin_time );
# Retrieve and parse XML from the specified data id. XML will be
# parsed into a hash table... of hash tables.
get_xml( $cdev_dataid );
# Yellow and blue beam polarization data
@yell = split ' ', $beam_data{yell}{polarization};
@blue = split ' ', $beam_data{blue}{polarization};
# Output yellow and blue spin patterns (human-readable)
print "\n";
print "Polarization patterns:\n";
print "+ = filled and positive\n";
print "+ = filled and negative\n";
print "o = unfilled and/or unpolarized\n\n";
print "Yellow polarization pattern:\n";
$count =0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $#yell; $i+=3 )
print "+ " if ( $yell[$i]==+1 );
print "- " if ( $yell[$i]==-1 );
print "o " if ( $yell[$i]== 0 );
print "\n" if ( ++$count == 60 );
print "\n\n";
print "Blue polarization pattern:\n";
$count =0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $#blue; $i+=3 )
print "+ " if ( $blue[$i]==+1 );
print "- " if ( $blue[$i]==-1 );
print "o " if ( $blue[$i]== 0 );
print "\n" if ( ++$count == 60 );
print "\n\n";
sub get_xml
my $id = shift;
open QUERY, "mysql -h --port 3502 Conditions_rhic -s -E -e \"SELECT dataS from kretDbBlobS where dataID=$cdev_dataid\"|";
my $KEY = "";
my $TAG = "";
while ( <QUERY> )
if ( /Yell/ )
$KEY = "yell";
if ( /Blue/ )
$KEY = "blue";
if ( /\/Yell/ ) {
$KEY = "";
if ( /\/Blue/ ) {
$KEY = "";
if ( /intendedFill/ ) {
$TAG = "intended";
if ( /\/intendedFill/ ) {
$TAG = "";
if ( /measuredFill/ ) {
$TAG = "measured";
if ( /\/measuredFill/ ) {
$TAG = "";
if ( /polarizationFill/ and !$TAG ) {
$TAG = "polarization";
($junk, @patt ) = split ' > ';
$mypatt = join ' ', @patt;
chomp $mypatt;
# print "my patt: $mypatt\n";
chomp $TAG;
chomp $KEY;
$beam_data{$KEY}{$TAG} = $mypatt;
if ( /\/polarizationFill/ ) {
$TAG = "";
# If the key is there, look for the data which we are interested in
if ( $KEY )
# print "[key $KEY $TAG] $_";
# If the tag is there, add to the hash table
# (Special exception for the <polariztionFill>
# and similar tags)
if ( $TAG && !/$TAG/ )
# Add more data to the pattern
$beam_data{$KEY}{$TAG} .= $_;
close QUERY;
sub get_cdev
my $begin = shift;
open QUERY, "mysql -h --port 3502 Conditions_rhic -s -E -e \"SELECT beginTime,dataID from kretDbBlobS where beginTime>'"
. $run_begin_time . "' \"|";
while ( <QUERY> )
if ( /dataID/ )
my ( $junk, $id ) = split ': ';
if ( $id < $cdev_dataid ) {
$cdev_dataid = $id;
close QUERY;
open QUERY, "mysql -h --port 3502 Conditions_rhic -s -E -e \"SELECT beginTime,dataID from kretDbBlobS where dataID=$cdev_dataid\"|";
while ( <QUERY> )
if ( /beginTime/ ) {
($junk, $cdev_begin_time ) = split ': ';
close QUERY;
my $run_unixtime = `date +%s --date=\"$run_begin_time\"`;
my $cdev_unixtime = `date +%s --date=\"$cdev_begin_time\"`;
my $diff = $cdev_unixtime - $run_unixtime;
# print "Difference = $diff\n";
if ( $diff > 600 or $diff < -600 )
print " ======================== Warning: ========================= \n\n";
print " cdev entry begin $diff s after (or before) run $run_number.\n";
print " If the time is too long (hours), suspect different fills.\n\n";
print " ======================== Warning: ========================= \n";
sub get_bor
open QUERY, "mysql -h --port 3501 RunLog -s -E -e \"SELECT beginTime from runDescriptor where runNumber=$run_number\"|";
while ( <QUERY> )
# print;
if ( /beginTime/ )
($junk, $run_begin_time) = split ': ';
close QUERY;
sub usage
print "\nSomethings not right...\n\n";
print "usage:\n";
print "\n";
print "Retrieve human-readable polarization pattern:\n";
print "\$ --run=<runnumber>\n";
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