QA for Au+Au 200GeV run 7 - Multiplicity vs. Vz
QA - Stability of Multiplicity vs. Vz
These results follow up the heavy flavor hypernews discussion about centrality selection for Au+Au Run 7:
- Data set: 42.4 M events of AuAu 200GeV run 7, "2007ProductionMinBias" (P08ic)
- Trigger ID: 200013 (ZDC coincidence+VPD cut at 5 cm. Killer bits off.)
- Event cuts: only events with bad vertex removed
- Global track cuts: similar to cuts for Reference Multiplicity
- No. Fit Pts > 10
- |η| < 0.5
- Vertex 3D-Dca < 3cm
General conclusion: Refenrence Mult. and No. of global tracks with cuts similar to Refenrence Mult. have similar behavior.
Fig 1: Mean of Reference Multiplicity and No. of. global tracks (with cuts like for RefMult) vs Vertex-Z position
Fig 2: Reference Multiplicity for different classes of Vz
Fig 3: No. of global tracks (with cuts like for RefMult) for different classes of Vz
Fig. 4: Reference Multiplicity vs Vz
Fig. 5: No. of global tracks with cuts like for RefMult vs Vz
Fig. 6: Vz of primary (highest ranked) vertex
Fig. 7: No. of primary vertices per event.
- kikola's blog
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