J/psi embedding - invariant mass and decay length issues

The issues:

  1. The invariant mass distribution: when primary tracks (mContamPairs branch in StMiniMcEvent class) are used to reconstruct Minv (Fig. 1) it is very different from Minv reconstructed using global tracks (mMatGlobPairs) - Fig 2.

    Update:The difference between width of J/psi are most probably due to momentum resolution: see Fig. 3 and Fig 4.

  2. J/psi decay length: Update: I misunderstood the meaning of mStopR variable. It describes the location in the x-y plane and not the distance from primary vertex. I checked the difference between the J/psi stop radius and Monte Carlo Vertex radius (R = sqrt (x2+y2) and there are the same (see Fig 5).

List of cuts:

  •   -30 < Vz < 30 cm
  •   |η| < 1
  •   pT > 1.1 GeV/c
  •   nHistPts > 25 

Fig 1. J/psi invariant mass reconstrucerd using primary tracks (mContamPairs branch in StMiniMcEvent)


Fig 2. J/psi invariant mass reconstrucerd using global tracks (mMatGlobPairs branch in StMiniMcEvent)


Fig. 3 Single track momentum resolution

Fig. 4 Single track pT resolution

Fig. 5 Difference between the J/psi stop radius and Monte Carlo Vertex radius (R = sqrt (x2+y2)


Fig. 6 Stop Radius for J/psi embedded in Cu+Cu 200GeV (run 5)