L2 status tables

Instead of producing lots of 2007EmcMbStatus runs to generate pre-production status tables, I thought we should look into using the compressed tower spectra Jan saved in the l2ped monitoring program.  I wrote a script to regenerate histograms from these ASCII lines and then asked Matt Cervantes to run the CSMStatusUtils code on them.  I also asked him to run the status code on standard histograms produced by analyzing MuDsts for a single test run (8141062).  I compiled some stats on the differences between the  offline status and the l2 status:

offline == 1, L2 != 1:  76 towers
offline != 1, L2 == 1:  8 towers
Both bad, but different reasons:  40 towers

Some comments:

  • L2 status had trouble catching stuck bits (220, 1143, 1612, 2188) as well as recognizing cold towers (187, 4595).  These two scenarios accounted for pretty much all of the cases where L2 marked a tower good and offline didn't.
  • L2 marked a bunch of towers with high pedestals as "cold", since there are zero counts above 60.  Most of the differences in Case 1 are due to this problem.
  • Generally very good agreement -- less than 2% of towers were different if all you care about is status==1.

We'd like to tweak things a little to see if we can catch the few differences we have.  In particular, marking all those towers as cold could hurt the vertex-finding efficiency a little bit (that's all we really care about in this pass). 

Detailed status codes and histograms are available at the bottom of the post.