First Look at Electron Jets

I've been working with Priscilla on adding her electron candidates to the spin trees.  spinTrees with electrons are now available, and we went ahead and made these plots investigating the properties of jets with identified electrons.  We analyzed BJP1 and L2Gamma triggers and plotted the p_T spectra, track multiplicity, and neutral energy fraction for all jets and for jets associated with an electron candidate (deltaR < 0.7).  Full-size plots available by clicking on each image.

Electron Cuts

  • Global dE/dx cut changing with momentum
  • nFitPoints >= 15
  • nDedxPoints >= 10
  • nHits / nPoss >= 0.52
  • track Chi2 < 4
  • DCAGlobal < 2
  • NEtaStrips > 1 && NPhiStrips > 1
  • Primary dE/dx cut changing with momentum
  • 0.3 < P/E < 1.5
  • -0.01287 < PhiDist < 0.01345
  • ZDist in [-5.47,1.796] (West) or [-2.706,5.322] (East)

Jet Cuts

  • 0 < R_T < 0.99
  • -0.7 < detEta < 0.9
  • Jet points at fired jet patch (BJP1 only)

l2gamma_rt bjp1_rt l2gamma_track_mult bjp1_track_mult l2gamma_ptComp bjp1_ptComp


  • The neutral energy fraction for L2gamma electron jets peaks at the same point as the ridge in the inclusive jet plot.
  • There are a significant number of 1-track jets in the L2gamma sample
  • In the plot of jet p_T vs. electron p_T we see the maximum of the distribution occurring at a electron pT of ~5.5 GeV and a jet pT of ~11 GeV.  This is in stark contrast to the BJP1 distribution.