Data & Simulation comparison: Phi
Comparing track phi between data (2005) and simulation (y2005).
Update (4/16/09): The data global track phi distribution for HT2 events (in 3rd figure from top) is incorrect. It's due to the method used to histogram it. Plot will be redone with correct histogramming.
For reference:
The TTree holding the track info is a tree of Event objects. The Event object holds arrays of GlobalTracks, in addition to other members of the event, including the trigger information.
Current plot is obtained using: TTree::Draw("Event.GlobalTrack.Phi","Event.Trigger==HT2"). Apparently it doesn't like to plot things in the array using cuts outside of the array.
Phi distribution will be redone by explicitly looping through every GlobalTracks in every Events in the tree.
Initial mc track phi distribution:
Subsequent plots compare tracks in data vs reconstructed mc tracks in simulation.
I'm not clear on why the phi distribution in data is like that, for HT2 triggered events, but it appears to only show up on global track distribution and is no longer visible on emc-matched primary tracks. Update: The data distribution is understood (to be wrong). See update on top.
Electron cuts on the data is only dE/dx cut for this. In simulation, electrons are identified from the mc track's geant id.
EMC-matched tracks are primary tracks that are projected to the EMC and associated (by distance) to an EMC point.
For the next two plots, there is a slight difference between the data and simulation tracks used to generate the distribution. In data, only EMC-matched primary tracks are used. In simulation, there may be identified (by geant id) electron/positron primary tracks that have not been matched to the EMC contributing to the distribution.
P/E cut requires that the primary track is matched to an EMC point (to get the E value).
Projected phi is the phi coordinate of the track's projected coordinate at SMDphi.
EMC point phi is the phi coordinate of the EMC point matched to the primary track.
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