Importance of taking BSMD Pedestals before RHIC ramp

This picture shows a section of CAPID/softID phase space in the BPRS for two different pedestal runs, generated by Willie Leight. Red dots show where pedestal or rms values for that CAP/softID were out of a specified range:

BPRS: 150 < ped < 235, 1.0 < rms < 7.0

BSMD: 40 < ped < 180, 1.0 < rms < 12.0

The difference between the two runs is that 10078067 was taken with beam in the machine at 250 GeV. 10079021 was taken after injection, but before ramp. Once can clearly see there are more values out of range when there was beam in the machine. The reason is that the ped/rms values are determined based on only about 70 events per cap/softid. A few collisions during those events with energy deposits will throw the pedestal/rms way off.