Vertex splitting QA in the new Year 7 Au+Au production(P08ic w/Minuit3)

I have looked at the new P08ic AuAu production that was done with Minuit3 VF to test Anthony's modified VF.

(For details : )

 Below are the ctb vs. refmult correlations for the HighLumionsity production and for the LowLuminosity one (i.e. for the best vertex VertexIndex==0) .


It looks like the issue of split vertices is almost gone (The tiny band on the left which is basically split vertices , i.e. A high CTB mult but small refmult means a bad vertex with small multiplicity was picked instead of the good one, is a very small percentage (~ 0.1%) of total events) ,shown below on a logX scale:




 And to show the effect of pile-up in the HighLuminosity production:

What is shown is the ctb vs. meanDip correlation for the HighLuminosity production
