Study of ET correction factor Calorimeter only geometry
ET Correction Factor Calorimeter Only Geometry
As part of my study of the ET correction factor I have rerun all the simulations that I used in my first study only this time I have included only the barrel and endcap calorimeters and magnet steel in the simulation. I still generate 5000 particles per thrown pt per particle species. I throw electrons, photons and neutral pions at pt's of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 GeV over the full endcap. The correction factor is the thrown particle pt divided by the mean of the ET distribution detected by a 3X3 patch centered on the highest tower (the high tower cannot be in etabin 1 or 12).
Fig 1: These plots show the detected ET distribution for each thrown pt. The plots contain less than 5000 events each because I discarded those events that had the highest energy tower in eta bins 1 or 12 to avoid edge effects. The top group of nine is the electrons, the middle group is the photons and the bottom group is the neutral pions.
Fig 2: These plots show a profile of the correction factor plotted vs eta fitted with a linear function. For these plots, the correction factor was calculated on an event by event basis by dividing the thrown pt by the detected ET. This is then plotted vs the particle track eta found from the geant record. For these plots, all eta bins are used to get an idea of what effect the edges have. The first group is electrons, the second is photons and the third is neutral pions.
Fig 3: This figure is the same as Fig 2 only now the correction factors are plotted vs phi and only events with the high tower in bins 2-11 are plotted. The same ordering as above applies.
Fig 4: This plot shows the correction factors calculated by dividing the thrown pt by the mean detected ET for each particle species.
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