Quick Analysis of Pibero's embedded Upsilon events

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where * = 1,2,3

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No selection on Upsilon rapidity was required for the below analysis.  The axis for each graph is either the Monte Carlo Upsilon pT or Rapidity unless otherwise indicated.


Figure 1: pT distribution of 1S upsilons

Figure 2: Rapidity Distribution of 1S Upsilons

Figure 3: Acceptance versus pT for 1S Upsilons where the definition of acceptance is that both the electron and positron daughter leave at least 0.15 GeV in the BEMC

Figure 4: Acceptace versus Rapidity for 1S Upsilons with above definition


As in previous cases, the acceptance for the L0 trigger was very nearly 100% for both trigger IDs.

Figure 5: L2 Efficiency (over L0) for trigger 117603 versus pT

Figure 6: Efficiency versus Rapidity for L2 trigger ID 117603


L2 trigger efficiencies for 137603 were very similar.


Figure 7: Efficiency of finding the upsilon due to track quality cuts versus pT for 137602.


Figure 8:  Same as Figure 7 but for rapidity.

Trigger 11703 looked very similar


Figure 9: Monte Carlo electron pT distribution.  Does this make sense?

Figure 10: Monte Carlo electron eta distribution.


I will add 2S and 3S graphs if I see a remarkable difference.  Otherwise, things look pretty good.