An initial look at how vertex code effects dAu collisions

Code for running Minuit with PCTs removed is at:



Run in stardev with:

root4star -b -q 'bfc.C(1,100000,"DbV20080712 B2008a ITTF IAna hitfilt ppOpt VFMinuit l3onl emcDY2 fpd ftpc trgd ZDCvtx NosvtIT NossdIT Corr4 analysis OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine debug logger","st_physics_9026071_raw_1010017.daq")'


Code for running PPV is at:


CVS verision as of Oct. 4th 2008

Run in star dev with:

root4star -b -q  bfc.C'(1,2000,"DbV20080820 pp2008 ITTF OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine VFPPVnoCTB debug logger","st_physics_9026071_raw_2040032.daq")'


MuDsts placed at:



I compared 2 st_physics files from the above method with the 2008 production file (st_physics_9026071_raw_1010017.MuDst.root and st_physics_9026071_raw_1030009.MuDst.root)


For some reason, not every event in the original production ended up in my newly produced files.  So I only used event numbers that could be found in all 3 files.  List of event numbers is at:


There were 911 events.  Both verisions of Minuit found a vertex in every single event.  PPV found 563 vertices for an efficiency of 61.8%.

Figure 1: Number of vertices found in st_physics events from dAu 2008 versus vertex finding method


Next I looked at refmult.

Figure 2: RefMult versus vertex finding method.  RefMult is only calculated if vertex is found so PPV amplitude has been knocked down by ~60%.  Perhaps I should scale these, but I think I will want to add more files before doing this.


Figure 3: Vz of the various vertex finders.  This has the same problem as before, the PPV amplitude is knocked down by ~60%

I had intended on looking at Vz - vpd Vz, however the original production did not have vpd vz available so I will need to cvs co a version of Minuit and rerun in order to get the vpd vz for the comparison. 


I added two more files for the following graphs.  The graphs below were done event by event.


Figure 4: Event by Event comparison of Refmult between Minuit used in 2008 dAu and Minuit without PCTs

Figure 5: Event by Event comparison of Refmult between Minuit used in 2008 dAu and PPV (no PCTs)

Figure 6: Event by Event comparison of Vz of primary vertex between Minuit used in 2008 dAu and Minuit without PCTs

Figure 7: Event by Event comparison of Primary Vertex Vzbetween Minuit used in 2008 dAu and PPV

Figure 8: Ratio of Refmult Original Minuit/Minuit wo PCTs

Figure 9: Ratio of Refmult Original Minuit/PPV