Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> L2 Trigger

There are 40482 Events in this analysis.  These are only the Upsilon 1S files and combine both trigger 117602 and 137602 together.  Since the L0 trigger has to have fired for the L2 trigger to fire, this includes the efficiency for the L0 trigger.

The trigger efficiency is calculated by dividing the number of upsilons "found" (i.e triggered on) by the number of upsilons that passed the acceptance cut.

Figure 1: L2 Trigger Efficiency in MC upsilon rapidity and pt

Since the above graph is difficult to intrepet, I will break it out in rapidity and pt.

Figure 2: # upsilons accepted by pT

Figure 3: # of upsilons accepted by rapidity

Figure 4: L2 upsilon trigger efficiency vs Rapidity

Figure 5: L2 upsilon trigger efficiency vs pT


Graphs to characterize L2 to go here:

E1 MC vs reco, E2 MC vs reco, cos(theta) MC vs Reco, inv m^2 MC vs Reco


2S and 3S states also need to be included.