PPV performance pp 500 GeV low luminosity 2009
Code is at:
compiled in stardev
Code was run over 670080 low luminosity events. All events were trigger 4 (BBCMB).
There were only 1177 events with no vertices. (0.18%)
There were 249454 events with no postive ranked vertices. (37.2%)
There were only 14 events where the primary vertex had a rank > 0, but rank <1e6
There were no events where a vertex with a lower order had a higher rank than the primary vertex.
For some reason, I couldn't get any vpd Vz. I will look to see if there is another method. I used:
StMuDst* mMuDst = muDstMaker->muDst();
StMuEvent* mEvent = mMuDst->event();
float vpdVz = mEvent->vpdVz();
I also did not get any events with tracks crossing the TPC CM, which doesn't make sense. I used the command:
I suspect there is another way to access this information
There were 18083 events with a bbc vertex. (2.7%)
Figure 1: # of vertices per event, all vertices
Figure 2: Primary vertex z position for all vertices
Figure 3: Vertex z for all vertices, regardless of rank
Figure 4: Vertex z position from BBC. I do not know why it is so off center. It seems especially odd given the symmetry of the found vertices.
Figure 5: The black curve is the primary vertex z position minus the bbc z position. The blue curve is the same thing with the added condition that the primary vertex have a positive rank.
Figure 6: The black curve is the same as in Figure 5, but the red curve is Vz - bbc vz where Vz is the z location of the closest vertex within the first 6 listed vertices.
Figure 7: Rank of the primary vertex where the following statement was used:
if rank > 1e6
fill(log(rank - 1e6) +10)
if 1e6>rank>0
if rank<0
Figure 8: Same quantity as in Figure 7, but this time for the first 6 vertices.
Figure 8: # of tracks matched to the BEMC for the primary vertex
Figure 9: # of tracks matched to the BEMC for the first 6 vertices
Figure 10: # of tracks used in the primary vertex
Figure 11: # of tracks used to form the first 6 vertices
Figure 12: Refmult for the first 6 vertices
More graphs to come......
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