Run Range: 7097093 - 7101054
- JP1: ID=127221 Thr=58
- HTTP: ID=127611
HT1 thr=12, TP1 thr=17, tower seed = 3.60, patch = 5.80
- HT2: ID=127212 Thr=22
Run Range: 7101075 - 7129041
- JP1: ID=127221 Thr=58
- HTTP: ID=127611
HT1 thr=12, TP1 thr=17, tower seed = 3.60, patch = 5.80
- HT2: ID=127212 Thr=24
Murad supplied me with the luminosities numbers for each period using the final transverse run list.
- 1st time window: 0.35 pb^-1 (~20% of total)
- 2nd time window: 1.44 pb^-1 (~80% of total)
To see how we are doing it is instructive to see if we are correctly simulating the turn-on for HT2
(the only trigger with a changing threshold). Below is a comparison of simulation (RED) to data (BLACK)
for the entire time window and both thresholds which shows the highest tower Et in the jet for all jets
passing the HT2 requirements. All the final jet and event cuts are used in these two comparison plots
EXCEPT the electron-jet cut. The simulation matches fairly well except for the discrepancy at low Et.
As far as the timestamps used for Monte Carlo, the status tables don't quite match data as much as we may want (simulation is RED). It is misses some ups and downs and overall I'd say is "too good"...
Using these two subsets of the MC together, I've followed the same procedure as that used for Longitudinal to calculate the pT shifts.
here are the shifted values for each jet pT bin. Posted is JP1, HT2, and HTTP triggers independently and the OR-sum (COMB).
We are back now at the same issue of how to combine the pt shifts for the 3 triggers. I've provided the OR-sum
pt shifts (COMB in the above figure), but as I'll show below in overlap fractions for data and simulation
do not match. The figures below agree roughly with the overlaps that I showed a short time back for the
longitudinal data as well. The figure labelled "HTTP Overlap" displays the fraction of HTTP which also
satisfy the HT2 or JP1 trigger req'ts.