2005 Inclusive Jet pT Shifts and Trigger/Reconstuction Bias TAKE 3


The most recent pT shifts for 2005 inclusive jets are shown below.  The first figure shows the pT shifts for each trigger individually and the second figure shows the trigger combinations used to match to data.

- the previous version of the pT shifts as well as anlysis details (cuts, simulation sample used, methods) is here

- the changes from the previous version to the current are discussed here


A text file with the final jet pT values we should plot our data points at (and uncertertainties on them) is posted here.



The remaining plots below show asymmetry calculations used to determine the trigger bias.  A text file with the difference (Shifted Detector Jet Asymmetry - Pythia Asymmetry) for each of the delta-G models and pT bins is posted here.