2006 Simulation Timestamp


There are two differences between using the timestamps 20060523.151040 (currently used up until now) and 20060522.112810 to generate the 2006 simulation jet trees: 1- Different Status Tables, 2- Different Pedestal Tables.  The may 22nd table was chosen as representative of the EMC because the live fraction during that table is closest to the mean over the entire Trans + Long-II running.

With respect to the status tables, there is a net difference of 67 towers good<->bad between the two tables (~1.4% of the acceptance).  Specifically, to go from the May 23rd table to the May 22nd table we would be removing 67 towers.  These towers are mostly located within PMT Box 47 located on the EAST side covering a phi region just below -PI/2.  

We have seen good agreement between data and MC so far, so the question is which of these tables is more representative of the data.  Following the data/MC comparison shown below I argue that we in fact stick with the simulation trees that we have been using until now.  The blue curves match the data better and we would in fact be adding a hole which is not seen in the data.  This PMT box was cold only for a short fraction of the Run as seen in the 2nd and 4th figures here (~towers 3541-3620, the relative run numbers in these figures are runs used for status tables). 

Data - Black

Old Simulation - Blue (May 23)

New Simulation - Red (May 22)