Hard-pT 3to4 events in 2005 pT Shifts
There were some worries addresses previously about the discontinuity seen in the 2005 pT-shifts. The lowest three bins appear to follow a different trend than the rest of the points. For the final results, three seperate trigger combinations will be combined to account for prescales, and the HT2||JP2 combination is the most significant of the three in data. Shown below are the pT-shifts for HT2||JP2 for a variety of cuts and configurations.
It appears that this discontinuity is largely caused by events coming from the lowest (and highest weighted) hard pT partonic sample: 3-4 GeV. This can be seen by comparing the black points (final cuts) and pink points (final cuts removing only events with 3.0<hardPt<4.0) above.
Since our final cuts are slightly different than the cuts used for the PRL, I've displayed both for comparison. There is good agreement with our results before the electron-like jet cut and what was used in the PRL paper (this was shown previously here http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog-entry/staszak/2008/jun/30/2005-inclusive-jet-trigger_reconstruction-bias.) Some specifics about the jets from 3-4 Gev:
One jet makes it into the lowest data bin (5.0 - 6.15 GeV):
py:3.97297, g:5.03345 hardPt:3.61841 neuE:0.813287 gETA: 0.608862 gPhi: -1.31316 highTowId: 951 highTowEt: 2.89246 highTrackPt: 0.555257
Two jet makes it into the lowest data bin (6.15 - 7.5645 GeV):
py:3.55499, g:6.27699 hardPt:3.04032 neuE:0.78962 gETA: 0.327068 gPhi: -0.843236 highTowId: 828 highTowEt: 4.98457 highTrackPt: 1.29692
py:5.86544, g:7.11565 hardPt:3.89065 neuE:0.837881 gETA: 0.59013 gPhi: 0.491004 highTowId: 293 highTowEt: 4.58795 highTrackPt: 1.15704
One jet makes it into the lowest data bin (7.5645 - 9.30434 GeV):
py:5.30851, g:7.8928 hardPt:3.14358 neuE:0.731737 gETA: 0.245051 gPhi: 2.97671 highTowId: 1684 highTowEt: 3.36342 highTrackPt: 1.36602
py:3.59078, g:8.87945 hardPt:3.26469 neuE:0.675637 gETA: 0.521149 gPhi: -1.3115 highTowId: 930 highTowEt: 3.63181 highTrackPt: 1.66803
py:5.13053, g:8.07165 hardPt:3.80001 neuE:0.593979 gETA: 0.612946 gPhi: -3.08451 highTowId: 1655 highTowEt: 3.92983 highTrackPt: 2.11355
py:7.37885, g:9.21974 hardPt:3.827 neuE:0.614406 gETA: 0.539471 gPhi: -2.57939 highTowId: 1510 highTowEt: 4.57877 highTrackPt: 3.31024
py:5.74062, g:7.63312 hardPt:3.42863 neuE:0.314736 gETA: 0.596546 gPhi: 2.11341 highTowId: 2088 highTowEt: 0.945042 highTrackPt: 2.66064
So once again we are in the position of deciding how well we think this small subsample of the simulation dataset matches our data. I've included the same comparison figures for each trigger seperately below:
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