Run 8 Pions - Mass by pT bin
Fits 1st Attempt
Attached below is pdf file massbypT.pdf which contains the mass distributions for the different pT bins side by side for Run 6 and Run 8 data. The fit was done with the following function.
Also below are some plots of the fit parameters vs the average pT in the bins they came from.
Figure 1: Centroid vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green, Gamma Filtered Data Driven MC (Run 6 Geometry) = black)
Figure 2: Width vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green, Gamma Filtered Data Driven MC (Run 6 Geometry) = black)
Fits 2nd Attempt
Seeing that the widths produced from the fits to run 8 data were inconsistent with the fits to run 6 data, we tried letting the previously fixed parameter 6.11 float at parameter p5 in the following equation.
Attached below is the another pdf file massbypT_5params.pdf which contains these new fits letting this value float. Also posted below are figures of the centroid, width, and this new parameter p5 versus the average pT in each bin.
Figure 3: Centroid vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green)
Figure 4: Width vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green)
Figure 5: Parameter 5 vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green)
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