Run 8 Pions - L2Gamma trigger simulator
L2Gamma Trigger Simulator
Attached below is pdf file massbypT_L2Gamma.pdf which contains the mass distributions for the different pT bins side by side for Run 6 and Run 8 data. An offline trigger simulator was used to emulate the 2006 L2Gamma trigger on the 2008 data, in hopes of eliminating the trigger differences between the runs. Another pdf file attached below is massbypT_Run8vsRun8L2Gamma.pdf which shows the Run 8 data without L2Gamma trigger simulation on the left and the Run 8 data with L2Gamma trigger simulation on the right. The fits were done with the following function.
Also below are some plots of the fit parameters vs the average pT in the bins they came from.
Figure 1: Centroid vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green)
Figure 2: Width vs Mean pT (Run 6 = red, Run 8 = green)
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