Trial HV Mapping Test

For this test, I looked at ADC spectra for towers from runs 10058089, 10058090, and 10058092.  For each channel I calculated the pedestal and sigma by fitting to a gaussian, then calculated the integral of from 10 channels below to ten channels above the pedestal, and the integral over 40 channels from the larger of 10 channels or 5 sigma above the pedestal.  These results are available in the tables below, organized as follows:

crate channel softId ped ped_sigma ch1(=ped+max(10,5*sigma)) ch2(=ch1+40) tail_integral(=integral from ch1 to ch2) ped_integral(=integral from ped-10 to ped+10)

The table starts at crate 0, channel 0 and runs over channel and crate.

Here are several example spectra from run 10058090.


Update: also attached is my code and the setHV file from Jan.