FMS Run 11 Simulation Update

In the past week or so, we looked at jgma's work on FMS simulation from last year. From SH, we knew that jgma had a version of the code that had everything up and running (i.e. pythia followed by geant simulation followed by reconstruction).

From his working directory (/star/u/jgma/psudisk/sim/fpdsim6/) we were able to find the following sequence of running his version of simulation.

1. Run runpythia.C which creates a ntuple output file (and a root output if so desired).

2. Run starsim with a fms.kumac (that he had) and the ntuple file created earlier by running runpythia.C as arguments; the output is a .rzd file after the star simulation software is run.

3. h2root is then used to convert the geant output .rzd file to a ROOT file.

4. A script called SimRecon.C is used to create OFiles from the ROOT files obtained in step 3. These OFiles are similar to the OFiles created using the analysis code in root12fms from data; this step makes use of FpdRoot of the analysis code.

5. To get these up and running, we had to copy the above mentioned scripts and files (i.e runpythia.C, fms.kumac, SimRecon.C); in addition, we had to copy StRoot and pams folders found in jgma's working directory for simulation (/star/u/jgma/psudisk/sim/fpdsim6/) and run cons to augment the star software with his changes.

6. One can look at a working version here: /star/u/adhikari/sim/fpdsim6; the test folder was the temporary input/output folder for running simulation and the output OFile is found in ....../sim/fpdsim6/OFile10101000.root, which has only one entry as the test run was ran with only 100 geant events and only one out of 100 events satisfied the triggers implemented currently in the code.

7. The next step is to understand the triggers that are implemented in the code, and try to get the code updated with the latest trigger information. Also, we need to find differnces between jgma's version of FpdRoot and the current version and try to merge them.