A quick look at 2009 pi0's in the EEMC

Hi All-

you can find some slides showing some results from Stephen Place and
I.  Stephen was summer student that was working with us at Valpo this
past summer (after just his freshman year).  The new plots are Stephen's.

First steps towards a 2009 pi0 analysis.  Sorry not to post these
sooner!  Of course, we hoped to press ahead rapidly, but teaching
schedules etc. interfered.  And, got in the way of what might better
have been a quick update to this group in August.

Anyhow, I'm writing now because we're inclined to show some of this ("a
hint of 2009") in our DNP materials (my talk, his poster).  No physics
results, certainly.  But, a pt distribution, a mass distribution,
that sort of thing.

Anyhow, you'll see those drafts shortly.  But, I thought I'd send you
a few plots and details outside of the draft. 

Basically, the message is "We see nice pi0 mass distributions in the
endcap, also in 2009 data.  On photon triggers, as we used for the 2006
paper.  But also now in jet triggers.  And these may allow us to go to
considerably lower pi0 pt.  In the 2006 paper we limited ourselves to
pi0's with a pt of 5 GeV or higher because things got ugly below that. 
We'll need to look more closely, and at data-MC comparisons, but there
are encouraging signs that we may be able to go to considerably lower
pt in 2009 data, with jet triggers."

If there are questions or comments, they're welcome by email.  Or,
if people feel that it's warranted, we could chat about them on
Thursday [OK - doesn't look like that will happen tomorrow, but feel
free to speak out if you'd like and we can perhaps still work something
out] or during the LBNL meeting.

Adam Gibson
Valparaiso University