Longitudinal flow-plane decorrelation with multiple-plane cumulants from STAR
The measurements of the anisotropic flow plane angles ($\Psi_n$) variation with rapidity, commonly known as the flow-plane decorrelation, provide important insights towards understanding of the initial conditions of the produced matter in heavy-ion collisions.
In this paper, we report the first measurement of four-plane cumulant observable $T_{n}\{ba;dc\}=\langle\langle\sin [n(\Psi^{b}_{n}-\Psi^{a}_{n})]\sin[n(\Psi^{d}_{n}-\Psi^{c}_{n})]\rangle\rangle$ for the elliptic and triangular flow (i.e.~$n=2$ and $3$) in Au+Au and isobar (Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr) collisions recorded by the STAR experiment at $\sqrt{s_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$\xspace~=~200~GeV.
The goal of calculating the correlation of the flow-plane angle variations from backward ($\eta_{a}$) to mid-rapidity ($\eta_{b}$) region, and from mid-rapidity$(\eta_{c}$) to forward ($\eta_{d}$) pseudorapidity region, is to probe the systematic variation of flow angle over a wide rapidity range.
In mid-central collisions ($10-30\%$ centrality), we find $T_{2}\{ba;dc\}\approx -0.004\pm 0.001 (\rm stat)\pm0.001(\rm syst)$ independent of the collision system.
Such a small value of $T_{2}$ favors a ``random-walk'' variation of the flow-plane angles, where the rapidity correlation length is smaller than the rapidity region under study.
These measurements provide new information for establishing the pertinent decorrelation patterns present in the system and a quantitative estimate of a possible systematic variation of the anisotropic flow angles, such as ``twist" between forward and backward rapidity regions.
This may open new opportunities for understanding the three-dimensional structure of the quark-gluon plasma created in the heavy-ion collisions.
Four-plane correlator observable $T_{n}$ has been measured in addition to the factorization ratio, $r^{\Psi}_{n}(\eta)$, in isobar (Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr) and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$ GeV to check the longitudinal flow-plane decorrelation phenomena in heavy-ion collisions.
Negative but very close-to-zero decorrelation~i.e. $$T^{\Delta\Psi_{n}^{a\rightarrow b}*\Delta\Psi_{n}^{c\rightarrow d}}\sim\langle\Delta\Psi^{a\rightarrow b}_{n}*\Delta\Psi^{c\rightarrow d}_{n}\rangle$$ of the order of $10^{-2}$-$10^{-3}$ (for $n=2$, $3$), has been observed independent of the collisions system size in the mid-central collisions with $10-50\%$ centrality. The factorization ratio observable, on the other hand, yields comparatively higher decorrelation measurements that are close-to-unity~i.e.~$(r_{2}^{\Psi}-1)\sim4\%$ in the same $10-50\%$ centrality.
Observance of such a small close-to-zero %$T^{\Delta\Psi_{n}^{a\rightarrow b}*\Delta\Psi_{n}^{c\rightarrow d}}$
$T_{n}$ measurements with a comparatively larger close-to-unity factorization ratio measurements from the experimental data implies that the genuine longitudinal flow-plane decorrelation is happening on a much smaller scale favouring a picture of ``random-walk" variation of the flow-planes with $\eta$. In such a picture, one can think of large number of small rapidity steps ($\Delta\eta$), independent and uncorrelated, sandwiched together to constitute the overall $\eta-$range such that the azimuthal orientation of flow-planes at each individual step is randomly tilted by a small amount with respect to that at the previous step. Such a random-walk-like variation of $\Psi_{n}$'s among different rapidity steps eventually results in a zero expectation value for the overall tilt ($\langle\Delta\Psi_{n}\rangle$) with the variance (i.e.~$\Psi_{n}$ spread) linearly increasing with the step size ($\langle(\Delta\Psi_{n})^{2}\rangle\propto\Delta\eta$).
Furthermore, in the ``random-walk" variation, for example if flow-plane randomly changes orientation say to the right or to the left in every step (say 0.2 or so) in rapidity, the factorization ratio observable would still be deviated from the unity but $T_{n}$ estimates a very close-to-zero value as there would be no consistent change occurring on the orientation of flow-planes along the rapidity. On the other hand, if there is a consistent change happening in the orientation of flow-planes (say there is some sort of physics driving such change) in going from backward to forward in rapidity then one would expect a non zero values for $T_{n}$ which would then correspond to the picture of ``monotonic" or ``C"-shape twist establishing the pertinent decorrelation patterns presented in the experimental data.
Slight negative result observed for $T_{n}$ although it is very much consistent with zero is probably because the flow-planes at mid-rapidities (defined by TPCs) are slightly fluctuating with respect to the real reaction planes while that at forward and backward rapidities (defined either by EPDs or BBCs) are mostly fixed by the spectators. This could result in a (-)ve signal because both planes inside the TPC (i.e. at~$+\eta$ TPC and~$-\eta$ TPC) would be shifted in the same direction.
PA list:
Achyut Khanal, Takafumi Niida, Sergei A. Voloshin
Target Journal: PRC
Paper Draft:
Current version: draft_feb12.pdf
Previous: draft_feb03.pdf, draft_dec01.pdf
Previous: draft_aug16.pdf
Analysis Note:
Current version: note_feb12.pdf
Previous: note_dec01.pdf
Previous: note_aug16.pdf
CodeQA: CodeQA_psn0840.pdf
Analysis Code: $CVSROOT/offline/paper/psn0840 (link: psn0840)
Response to GPC:
Response to second round of comments: 2nd-response-to-GPC.pdf
Editorial suggestions from Kong: draft_dec01_kong_commented_01.10.2025.pdf , Wei comments: draft_dec01_wei_commented.pdf
Response to first round of comments (on aug16 version) from GPC: Response_to_GPC_comments_on_aug16_version.pdf
Paper Figures:
Compiled PDF with all figs (old): figs_aug16.pdf (see current version of paper draft for latest figures)
Related Presentations:
PWGC Preview Presentation on May 17, 2024: pwgcPreviewDecoMay17.pdf, PWGC_Preview_Notes
PWGC Preview meeting recordings can be found here: /star/u/rksooraj/PAC/PWGCmeeting_recording/20240517.mp4
FCV Paper Proposal Presentation on March 6, 2024: deco-paperProposalFCV.pdf
Update on the STAR collaboration meeting (Oct 17, 2023): deco_fall2023_collaboration_update.pdf
FCV update on Oct 4, 2023: deco-update-achyut-fcv.pdf
FCV update on June14, 2023: deco_for_star_fcv_achyut.pdf