Run QA notes

Doing run QA for fills 10490 and 10494, days 95 and 96.  I added onto Hal's spreadsheet, as attached.

-I kept Hal's Tb notation when trigger was bad for more than 10% of the run.  Had a handful of these.

-About all runs had a wiggle in the l0 plots page 6 - around channel 70-80.  This was also noted by Hal.  See page 7 here

-For all runs found a hole in the BTOW l2 plots around eta bin 20 and phi bin 20.  See page 4 here.  I marked these as "Bc".  If there are enough run statistics you see this in the Walgo monitoring plots too.  I assume this is related to the hole in pplots, page 29 like here.

-I really have no idea how to interpet the long version of the BSMD monitoring plots (67 pages!).  So I'm just going to look at the summary plots (2 pages).  The count plots all looked kind of spiky, but since they all looked that way I don't think it's a problem.  There were at least no big gaps.

 -I also occassionaly saw the blue band in the BEMD TDC plots, page 18 here, that Hal saw.  I added a "bad BEMC TDC" note to the comments section of the spreadsheet.

-I'm also sometimes seeing strange ZDC Time (West-East) plots on page 2.  Probably this is because of the pileup of the ZDC east time in bin 0.  I bet if all the runs were high enough statistics I would have seen this in all the runs.  May be an issue if you want to get residual transverse components out of the data.   I wrote "strange zdc e-w time" in the remarks when it was obvious from statistics.