Beta Gamma+Jet Finder Code
Code Location: /star/u/aliceb/PhotonJet/Beta
What does it do:
- Read in jet file, jet skim file and gamma file
- Find the same event in all the trees
- Check there is at least one gamma candidate
- Check there are at least N numbers of jets in a jet collecion X, where N and X can be user specified (default N=1, X=ConeJets5_0.7).
- Match gammas to jets in a cone in eta-phi space with an adjustable radius R (default R=0.3)
- Check that all gammas are matched
- Saves an event list of events passing all of the above critera.
- Make a map of photons to jets and jets to photons. All photons are matched to jets, but not all jets are matched to photons.
- Fills a few simple histograms if you want (default is no).
More details:
When you initialize the maker, flags described above are set to defaults. The call to Init() grabs the various jet and gamma makers and will either open an event list you've already made, or prepare to make a new one. When you call Make(), the maker will either step event-by-event through the jet trees and perform the steps above, or, if you have given it a valid event list, it will only process events in the event list. The function phoJetAna() is called for each event. This function makes 2 maps - one takes you from photons to jets and the other takes you from jets to photons. I did it this way so that you could approach the analysis from either side. Once you have your event list you really shouldn't need to do this again, but this part doesn't take much time so you will - I don't want to add a fourth tree to the mix. If you have some histograms declared and booked (in bookHisto()) it will make some histograms. Right now I loop over the gamma canidates and fill some histograms, most of which compare some gamma tree variables to some jet tree variables.
Some Plots
The following plots show jets that are matched to photon candidates in the endcap only. Next time I will make plots for both detectors.
The following plots are of unmatched photon candidates only (barrel + endcap).
- aliceb's blog
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