Some geometry tests
Shooting gammas with pt of 15 GeV at sector 11 in the center of a tower (phi=pi/2) of the endcap at an eta of 1.3 (where scale factor is relatively flat vs. thrown energy in previous tests). Looking at reconstructed tower energy. (Note this pT, eta corresponds to thrown energy of ~30 GeV). Running with either stand-alone endcap or full STAR geometry. I do not use the LOW_EM option. I did lots of "diff"'s on the files and tried to find the changes. There were so many cosmetic changes with each revision this was quite difficult to do. So my list changes are only guaranteed accurate at the Wikipedia level.
Version EEMC Only Full Note
- cvs 28.4 28.7 CAIR fix
- v23 27.7 27.3 latest version
- v1 28.4 28.7 cosmetic changes after CAIR fix
- v2 27.9 28.6 block EXPS added = G10 layer in shower max
- v3 28.0 28.0 ERAD change to stainless steel, ELED change to pballoy
- v4 27.9 27.7 tie rod rmax change from 1.0425 to 1.50/2 (block ERCM), 3 degree cut on either side of spacer (block EXPS)
- v5 27.9 27.7 seems to only be cosmetic changes
- v6 27.9 27.7 cosmetic changes + a few print statements
- v7 28.0 27.6 more cosmetic changes
- v8 27.9 27.5 EFLS,EBLS added, ESMD options added, GapSMD changed from 3.4 to 3.6, spacer layers extended to 5 degrees on either side
- v9 30.2 29.7 ecal_set_cuts added, pre/post shower have same cuts as megatiles for particle tracking
- v10 XX XX Rtie added as option for block EMCS (would not compile, did not test)
- v11 32.3 32.2 refinements to material in front and back of SMD plane
- v12 XX XX "Medium standard" replaced by "Medium ecal_standard" refinements to building of SMD planes (would not compile)
- v13 XX XX seems mostly cosmetic - "plastic" replaced by "megatile" (crashes), "Medium ecal_standard back to "Medium standard"
- v14 XX XX cosmetic changes, changes to way the drawing is done
- v15 XX XX StrAluminum replaces Ecal_Al is EALP (crashes)
- v16 27.5 27.3 seems cosmetic - jiggle option is added, but set to 0, StrAluminum removed in EALP - add AluPlate to this block to get it to run, block ESCI is changed (not sure of effect). At v16 we are getting very close to what is observed in the final version, but I had so many versions not run it's unclear what is responsible for the change. I have tried to disentangle the changes, but cannot create versions which compile. Know that it is not changes to EALP that are responsible.
- v17 27.5 27.3 changes to construction of SMD planes (ecal_get_strip replacing code is EXSG - test version)
- v18 27.7 27.2 ecal_get_strip implemented
- v19 27.7 27.2 cosmetic changes
- v20 27.7 27.3 cosmetic changes
- v21 27.7 27.2 deltaz shifts added to move megatiles, pre,and post shower layers
- v22 27.7 27.4 change to PVC, ESPL and EXSG now have kOnly = "MANY " option, EHMS, EBLS now have kOnly = "Only" option. These changes change the way the spacer overlaps with the SMD.
- v23 28.4 27.9 scintillator thickness changed to 0.475 from 0.5, latest version without new layers in place
Next I try to make changes to cvs version to see what biggest effects are.
- Change ERAD block. No effect
- Keep change to ERAD block + add change to ELED block. See a change where sampling fraction drops for eemc stand-alone vs. full
- Keep changes to ERAD+ELED block. Changed cuts to be the same for pre, post and megtiles = cuts used in Jason's file. This causes reco energy to drop again.
- Tried changing the tie rod radius - has no effect.
Notes for me:
To do full STAR geometry .kumac file looks like:
GDrop all
DetP geom y2006g
make geometry
GClos all
To do eemc only geometry .kumac file looks like:
GDrop all
DetP geom y2006g
make geometry/cavegeo
make geometry/ecalgeo
For versions> 15 and <23 these changes to ecalgeo.g are also needed:
- Change IF(emcg_OnOff==2) THEN... to if (emcg_OnOff==2 | emcg_OnOff==3) then
Position ECAL in CAVE z=-center ThetaZ=180
- In EALP block add material AluPlate isVol=0
- aliceb's blog
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