2009 EEMC 200 GeV MIP calibration SMD slope analysis


ZDC polarimetry runs taken with numbers >=10141007 are analyzed for a total of 83 runs.

Working directory is /star/u/aliceb/Calibration/2010-aug-16 with output to EEMC_cal/iter-0/ (but don't start messing with code there without asking first, please!  I'm actively modifying things.)

This page presents the results of the SMD strip slope analysis.  The purpose is to find bad strips and get a preliminary SMD calibration.  Together with ideal tower gains, this calibration will be used to fit the pre and post shower layers to get preliminary gains.  The slopes are scaled to try to make the ratio of gain/2006 gain close to one.  Ratios are shown below.  Keep in mind all these gains are preliminary.


pdf files which contain all the fits for each sector in both planes are attached.  Also the gain and mask files are attached.  Scanning down this page you will find plots of the ratio of the slope gain to the 2006 final gain.