Code QA for Long Jet Asymmetry Paper

What I have done in chronological order.  Important conclusions are bolded in purple-ish color (if your browser shows the color that is).  I had significant problems due to the lack of true backwards compatiblity with pre 64bit-era STAR libraries that existed when this analysis was done.

The basic outline of the analysis is:

Make Jet Trees->produce mini trees -> analysis on mini trees produces histograms->make plots from these histograms.

 (1) cvs co offline/paper/psn0517

(2)Code did not include code for making jet trees. After technical difficulties Renee gets cvs ci to work.  Then I tried to compile but a directory seems to be missing.

(3)After Renee code missing code checked in I tried to recompile.  Used starver SL08b.  I had to #include <cassert> to a bunch of files:




also had to #include <cstring> to


getting lots of compiler warnings about conversion from string literal to char* (would need const char* to fix).  Going to ignore these for now.  At the moment I am compiled.

 (4)Submitted test jet tree from directory on data01.  Had to mod the RunSpinChain a bit and the xml file.  I get ELF64 errors.

 (5)cvs co mgr to get new version of cons.  Now it compiles and root can load the libraries.  Find StTriggerFilterMaker is missing from its usual place in StSpinPool with SL08b.  I cvs co a more recently tagged version and compile with old version - works.  Also complained that SkimPoinMaker was missing.  This is not necessary for me so I removed references to it.

 (6)Tried running the now compiling and able to load libraries code by I get a segmentation fault from StJetSkimEventMaker.  At this point probably best to see if I can reproduce the results using Wayne's trees.

 (7)Tried running over Wayne's trees.  I get an assertion error on the trigger info.  Renee says this is some root compatibility issue that is hard or impossible to debug without remaking things with the same software version.

 (8)Ran over one tree which Renee copied to rcf.  I was able to make a mini tree from that.  I conclude then that to this point the code is fine.  Jet trees have been extensively QA-ed.  Given the right version of root and a backwards-compatible library, jet trees and miniTrees could be remade.

 (9)Next, asked Murad to copy over all the miniTrees.  I would pick up the code from there.  In order to run JptCor.C I had to change the name of the jetEt brach to:

 tr->SetBranchAddress("jettowPt",jettowEt);//ab: change from Et to Pt

as they had the name Pt in the miniTrees.

 (10)Next, run jpt.C which I had to change in one place:

double jp1[]={0.}; //ab: orginally double jp1[]={};
double jp1err[]={0.}; //ab: originally double jp1err[]={}

This is probably due to the more modern version of Root requiring you to do something more inline with C++ standards. 

This macro reproduces the data points in Figure 18 in the paper, but I do not see any blue points for "uncorrelated stats" in the legend.  Not sure which macro actually makes Figure 18.

 (11)Tried running CLtheoAll.C.  Cannot make all plots because errMatrix06.list is not available.

(12)Not sure what the rest of these macros all do.  I would request two things for this to be approved:

i. A README file in the aLL_macros directory that briefly says what each piece does.  i.e. this runs over miniTrees, and outputs histograms in a directory named "blah".  Then you can analyze these histrograms with macro "blah" or this macro runs over histograms created by "blah" and makes plots of "blah".  Also indicate where each plot from paper comes from.

ii.  At top of every file add a comment that repeats the same and goes into anymore detail needed to explain what additional files are needed and what is being done.  This code has very few comments and it is not fun to try to figure out what it does by just looking.