L2W trigger


L2W algorithms used as a filter to reduce the event yields getting into the st_W data stream from the raw L0 hardware EHT1 triggers.
For the endcap W we use EHT1*L2EW trigger, the endcap trigger look for a single tower(EEMC) with ET > 10 GeV.

2013 L2 Online Monitoring : http://online.star.bnl.gov/L2algo2013/l2etowW/

in the attched file is the plot moniter :
top: ET of the most energetic endcap tower in the event for all events
bottom: distribution of most energetic endcap tower in events which satisified the trigger vs tower RDO (unique identifier).

use  ET Thresh =9.200000, RndAcceptPrescale=80

L2weResult2011 *l2algo= ( L2weResult2011 *) &l2res[EEMCW_off];
 wEve->l2bitET=(l2algo->trigger&2)>0; // bit1=ET>thr
wEve->l2bitRnd=(l2algo->trigger&1)>0; // bit0=rnd