BNL-PDSF transfer, Sept. 2009

We updated the transfer proceedure to make use of the OSG automated monitoring tools. Perviously, the transfers ran between stargrid04 and one of the NERSC data transfer nodes. To take advantage of Dan's automated log harvesting, we're switiching the target to

Transfers between stargrid04 and pdsfsrm are fairly stable at ~20MBytes/sec (as reported by the "-vb" option in the globus-url-copy). The command used is of the form:

globus-url-copy -r -p 15 gsi[dir]/ gis[target dir]/

Plots from the first set using the pdsfsrm node:

Data transfer rates vs. File Size.

The most recent rates seen are given in Dan's plots from Sept. 23rd:

Total data transferred



So, the data transfer is progressing at ~100-200 Mb/s. We will next compare to rates using the new BeStMan installation at PDSF.