Bad BEMC Towers in Run 12 U+U run

I have attached a list of all BEMC towers which had a bad status during the U+U run in Y12. 

The first row of badtowers2012UU.txt lists the run numbers of the first run in each fill analyzed.  The following lines show the tower ID followed by the tower status in brackets []. 

1 is a good status, and any other number is bad.  The bad status codes are listed here, for example: 

I have also attached an example pdf file which shows the ADC spectra for all towers in fill 16841.  pdf files for all other fills in U+U can be found here:  (The other species and energies can be found here: )

One issue that arose part-way through the pp500 run was a group of towers that became bad after fill 16664: towers numbered 1957-1958, 1977-1980, 1997-2000, and 2017-2020.  They're all on the same board, so that seems to be the problem.