D0 reconstruction with KFParticle run2014
We are using the KFParticle algorithm based on the Kalman filter to perform full vertex reconstruction. Also we use non linear clasifiers of TMVA to maximize the efficiency of the acquired signal. We have applied these analysis techniques on our Run-14 data sample (~1.2 billion Au+Au events at 200 GeV/c) and we present results for D0 meson pT spectra and nuclear modification factor (RAA) for different event centralities. We compare and discuss the obtained results with current theory models available.
Reference Multiplicity of the production 7 December
Reference multiplicity:  
1.- STAR note: D0 AuAu200 run 10 and 11. drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/starnotes/private/psn0594
2.- STAR note: D0 and D* pp200 drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/starnotes/private/psn0550
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