Hijing Simulation Run 2014

How to produce the Simulation:
  • The .fdz file:

   Use cvs StRoot/StarGenerator/macros/starsim.hijing.C
              - Line 44+:      select energy, specie and impact parameter
              - Line 74  :       set the geometry. In this case y2014
              - Line 118:       set primary vertex and sigma
   To run: root4star
               .L StRoot/StarGenerator/macros/starsim.hijing.C

  •     Reconstruction:

    - StRoot:                        following instruction of CVS offline/hft/README.md
    - StarDB/Calibrations:    from CVS offline/hft/StarDb/Calibrations
    - StarDB/Geometry:       only ist from /star/u/ypwang/disk02/istOfflineChain/istOfflineChain_analysis/StarDb/Geometry/ist
    -  Chain:                        tpcRS y2014 AgML MakeEvent tables SimuDb ITTF VFMinuit pxlFastSim pxlDb PixelIt StiPxl istFastSim istDb IstIt StiIst NoSsdIt NoSvtIt
                                          Idst BAna l0 Tree logger Sti tpcDB TpcHitMover TpxClu bbcSim btofsim -tags emcY2 EEfs evout IdTruth geant big fzin clearmem

Simulations produced:

  • MinBias:

               1000 events          AuAu200          imp parameter b =(0,15)          sigma vertex (0.01, 0.01, 40)
               Location: /star/institutions/ksu/aquinter/Simulation/Hijingb6/Run14/MinBias
Figure: Simulation - Reconstrcution with highest rank:

Figure: Simulation - Reconstruction with highest Multiplicity:


  • Central:

               1000 events          AuAu200          imp parameter b =(0,3)             sigma vertex (0.01, 0.01,5)
               Location: /star/institutions/ksu/aquinter/Simulation/Hijingb6/Run14/Central             (all .fzd files and only 50 events reconstructed)

See QA plots from GEANT HijingQA_2May2014.pdf

See QA plot for MinBias recostruction HijingQAreco_5May2014.pdf

See QA plot for Central recostruction HijingQA_centralreco_6May2014.pdf